June 2016

The difference a few minutes can make.

June 21, 2016

She said to me “I will never forget the day that I was admitted here and I was so very distressed because my baby had been born at just 34 weeks and was fighting for his life. I remember you came and sat next to my bed and read a scripture from the Bible that […]

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~ Father’s Day 2016 ~

June 18, 2016

Sunday, June 19th is Father’s Day in the USA but its also celebrated  in Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica and Great Britain. In Honduras it’s celebrated on March 19th which is also Saint Joseph’s Day. This day owes its beginning to a woman named Sonora Smart Dodd (Feb 18, 1882 – March 22, 1978), who in […]

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Maria and her molar of faith

June 10, 2016

I first met Maria through a Bible study that we started for six Catholic women who wanted to learn more about the Bible.  Maria and her husband have two boys and a little girl. Maria was in the beginning very quiet and didn’t share much about what we were studying from the Bible but now […]

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Building a brick house – one act of kindness at a time.

June 8, 2016

At SOR Mission we live our mission statement daily in helping others.  We have been called to help connect human need with God’s resources.  In this case today, God’s resource just might be that next cup of coffee and sweet that you might want to enjoy.  Doing an act of kindness,  like giving the proceeds […]

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