
Dos pecados que a Bíblia nos ensina…Of the sins the Bible talks about….

March 28, 2014

Today the article is written for those who speak Portuguese and for those of you who don’t you can go to Google translate for your translation.  Note: Go to Today to read in English -The Editor De os pecados que a Bíblia nos ensina, talvez ter mais carga auto- destrutivo é o pecado de ser […]

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The Heavens declare the glory of God

March 20, 2014

Recently on our Fuller Center for Housing build in Nicaragua I had the wonderful experience of looking up into the dark night sky to view the full Milky Way.  I haven’t had this opportunity for quite some time as I have lived in large cities where the lights of the city have drowned out the […]

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Mango season is soon upon us in Central America

March 6, 2014

It’s the beginning of the local mango season in Costa Rica and Honduras.  They are still a bit green and those early ripe ones are a bit expensive for our budget but we’re buying a few to get ready for the days when they will be selling for three for $1 in the farmers markets […]

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The Burning Bush & the Name of God

March 2, 2014

I read today the story of Moses meeting God  in the desert of Sinai.  Moses was attracted by a bush that was on fire but wasn’t being consumed by the flames. Haven’t we at times just stared into the flames deep in thought.  Well no doubt Moses was deep in thought as well.  Flames attract […]

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Shine a Light on Slavery Day

February 25, 2014

On February 27th we will remember the millions of people worldwide including the many women and young girls who are forced into various types of slavery each year by putting a RED X on your hand to be a witness to those around you who are not aware of the magnitude of the problem.  Here […]

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Learning to Drive all over again!

February 10, 2014

The Craziness of Driving in Honduras (2-10-14) Recently while driving in Tegucigalpa, Honduras I found myself laughing and actually enjoying the craziness of the drive after visiting several families with Click for St. Nick baskets.  Initially in coming to Honduras I thought that they were absolutely crazy with their manner of driving but after living […]

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The Heart of a Nation crys out through its graffiti

February 7, 2014

I do enjoy seeing various types of graffiti painted on walls of buildings and offices as I drive around the cities of Tegucigalpa, Honduras  and San Jose, Costa Rica.  I believe there must be more liberty here for these artists to express the heartbeat of those who don’t have a voice in parliament or the […]

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Sharing our bread brings Joy

January 21, 2014

The path towards Joyful Existence  What brings the sense of Joy that we all seek in our lives? There is joy and a sense of doing what’s right when we share the blessings that God has given to us with others in our world, city, community, neighborhood and with our family.  Our recent work in […]

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Abraham sought out a beginning

January 11, 2014

THIS CAN BE A YEAR OF A NEW JOURNEY LIKE ABRAHAM Being January and a new beginning, I began my Bible reading in Genesis of the Bible and have enjoyed my reading immensely. At the centre of Abraham’s story from the book of Genesis is the principle of the sovereign choice of God over the […]

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Your Dreams, Goals and Priorities in 2014

January 3, 2014

If you’re like me you’ve tried those last minutes promises before the clock struck midnight the other night.  The problem I’ve had in the past is that these “new year resolutions” lasted maybe to the end of the week or in a few cases the end of the month.  In most cases they didn’t last […]

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