
What is an Abundant Life

August 20, 2013

John 10:10: The thief approaches with malicious intent, looking to steal, slaughter, and destroy;I came to give life with joy and abundance.” This passage quotes Jesus as saying that he not only came to give us life but to give us life that is abundant.  I for one have sought an abundant life for most […]

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The Joy of Helping Others

August 10, 2013

You can read on our Today page our trip to help the women making barrettes through our Polygon Ministry Project.  These women who for the most part live on very limited funds as single mothers and also as women serving others in and outside the church are being helped by SOR Mission and the many […]

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The Joy of Service to Others

August 3, 2013

The Joy of Service to Others After living and working off and on in Central America for many years one runs across the term “caudillo” in Spanish.  The definition of this work is like a “strongman” or a strong political leader.  Latin America and namely Central America has had a number of Caudillos over the […]

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The Good Samaritian on the Overpass

July 25, 2013

The Good Samaritan on the Overpass Yesterday, Maria Elena and I were at the Intercity Hospital and had one of our ministry days visiting the women in the maternity ward. Each week we distribute blankets, onies, diapers and other women’s products to the women we visit. After finishing our ministry there at the maternity ward […]

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My Friend Kevin (Updated 7-6-2013)

June 20, 2013

I have had the joy of getting to know my dear friend and brother in the Lord, Kevin, who has encouraged me in my Christian walk with the joyful way he comes  into the presence of the Lord with his singing and dancing before the Lord. As I look at his life there isn’t much […]

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A Tribute to Dad

June 14, 2013

“For even if you have ten thousand guardians in your Christian life, you have only one father…For I  have become your father by bringing the Good News to you.”  I Corinthians 4:15 GNT On Sunday, June 16th, we will celebrate  109th Father’s Day in the US.  It is also celebrated on the same day in  […]

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Interesting facts and Updates on Honduras from Seeds

June 6, 2013

Welcome to the homepage of Seeds of Righteousness Mission.  For some of you, you might know us as SOR Mission and yet others of you might know us as SEEDS.  Is is an interesting phenomena that we tend to shorten the names of those people and things around us to make it easier for us […]

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The Poor we’ll always have with us…

May 25, 2013

In working with those who are considered by statistics to be the “poor” I have spent time thinking about this class of people as to just who they are and how  they think.  I find emerging in me a deep respect in their manner of life and through my time spent with them I see […]

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Chairs provide church growth

May 21, 2013

This evening we were able to deliver the first dozen chairs to the church where we are involved at with teaching and discipleship of the believers.  Tonight Pastor Marco and I team taught on God’s order for the family and the church.  Pastor Marco talked from Genesis 2 on God’s order displayed in the lives […]

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Pupusas – the pride of Honduras

May 19, 2013

If you have ever traveled to Honduras you might be asked to try some pupusas while you’re here.  If you come with a team to help our mission spread the good news you no doubt will sample this delicious dish.  So what is it about pupusas that make them so delicious?  You’ll have to come […]

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