
Sunday night reflections on giving Hope & planting Seeds of Righteousness in Honduran Families

October 28, 2012

Today we were invited to another birthday party atop a beautiful panoramic view of the valley in which is situated Tegucigalpa, the largest city in Honduras.  The views are beautiful as you look over the city but the needs of the people living within our city are so immense!  As one friend asked me yesterday, […]

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SOR Mission Where Love & Justice Meet Under the Banner of Service

October 20, 2012

But the greatest of these is Love – by Alexandra   People here in Honduras have a great respect for missionaries.  It’s an honor for them to have the “missionaries” visiting their home.  Mateo and I were recently invited to Judy’s birthday party by her mother.  We had met Elvita at feeding center No.1, where […]

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Rainy Night Thoughts of Hope and Righteousness from Honduras

October 19, 2012

Some Rainy Night Thoughts from Honduras It’s late here in Tegucigalpa, Honduras and its one of those tropical rainy season nights.  The rain is falling hard now but by morning as I awake the sun will be coming up and the street will be dry.  What a change from the late night sounds of rain […]

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Planting Seeds of Righteousness thru Faith and Walking on Dangerous Roads

October 15, 2012

Planting Seeds of Righteousness through Boundaries Tonight at 6pm 5 PDT, we’ll begin our 2nd class in the series entitled “Boundaries” at our local church.  I posted some comments last week about the great turnout.  We are expecting additional people tonight and we pray for those attending to have a great evening of teaching.  Some […]

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The 9:02 is Headed to the Coast

October 11, 2012

The 9:02 to the Coast   Tonight as I was looking out the window at the night sky I heard overhead the 9:02 heading, I assumed, to the coast with its load of cargo and passengers.  Who was on board and what were their expectations?  Hearing that twin engine prop plane fly overhead each evening […]

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October 4, 2012

It’s so good to be back to our work in Honduras! Fall is in the air and what does it speak of?   When I see the trees turning colours like they’ve been doing lately  I’m reminded of the cycles of life that tells us that  someday there’s a winter coming for all of each of […]

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Blessed is the Passing of a Saint of the Lord

September 18, 2012

    The Beauty of the Lord Displayed in His Creation Today as I was thinking of the passing of a dear friend and brother in the work of the Lord, one who has planted seeds of righteousness in many hearts through his music and testimony, I was led to Psalms 116 below where it spells […]

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The seeds of righteousness planted in Silvia changed her life completely

August 4, 2012

The Seeds of Righteousness of the Word of God is Contagious Recently, while we were planting seeds of righteousness from the Word of God at the Hospital, a lady named Silvia, who worked at the hospital, came by the room after lunch and when she heard us sharing the righteousness of the Word of God, […]

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Como Dios abre las Puertas

July 27, 2012

El lunes por la mañana, Pastor Marco, un grupo de hombres y yo fuimos al Comedor de Manos Extendidas a dejar a algunos Hermanos que nos habían ayudado a poner el resto del piso en la iglesia.  Mientras manejábamos, Marco y yo empezamos a compartir acerca del ministerio y de la iglesia y por lo […]

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God’s Open Door Policy

July 27, 2012

On Monday morning Pastor Marco, myself and a small group of guys headed up to the Feeding Center of Manos Extendidas to drop off the guys to help work on putting the remainder of the concrete tiles on the church floor. While driving, Marco and I were sharing about the ministry and the church and […]

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