
How important is a glass of water?

May 24, 2012

Mark’s gospel talks about serving others and there were those who were wanting the obviously big event that would give big time honour and    glory to those in the limelight but Jesus knowing their hearts said to them that, “anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to Christ […]

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The Church under the Pines

May 15, 2012

The Church under the Pines in Honduras On Mother’s Day in Honduras we were part of the church that meets under the pines in Yuscarán.  This church was started by a Honduran couple with a vision for reaching areas with the Gospel that don’t presently have a church.  You would have to drive for 15-20 […]

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Simple faith can move hearts and mountains!

May 6, 2012

Under the Ocote Pines Last Sunday I preached under the pines in the mountains of southern Honduras to a church that gathers under this specie of pines that are abundant in the mountains of Honduras.  There we met as a church to proclaim the name of Jesus and to encourage the people coming with a […]

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Alexandra has questions. Join her for the answers

May 6, 2012

¿¿¿QUESTIONS??   Every time that I visit the Intercity Teaching Hospital I always find medical students in all the hallways and I ask myself, “Where are the doctors with experience?”  All of these students are so young and are still in the middle of their preliminary medical studies.  No one that I’ve seen appears to […]

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The Neighbors House Alarm

May 2, 2012

Have You Ever Wondered about the Night Sounds?   Have you ever wondered what the night sounds are in other places around the world?   Just the other night while lying in bed getting ready to fall asleep, I was reminded of the night sounds of Tegucigalpa.   I was ready to dose off when suddenly an […]

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Koinonia is the New Testament word for Intimate Partnership

April 24, 2012

Learning from the Apostle Paul’s words to Philemon about Onesimus   One might not think that there would be much to glean from a short letter written by Paul to his fellow Christian friend Philemon concerning a guy who had helped Paul but was now returning to become once again Philemon’s indentured slave.  Is there […]

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April 14, 2012

“Living my life before them as Jesus did” by Alexandra   Mateo and I have discussed over tea and during our prayer times recently what it means to have an “incarnational ministry” to the people we serve here in Honduras.  In looking at John1:14 it says, “The Word became a person and came to live […]

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Entre el Dicho y el Hecho hay mucho Trecho

April 12, 2012

As the Spanish saying goes, “Between what you say and what you do is wide space”  This comment came up today as I was talking to a Honduran church leader about how we together can help the church grow so that when those with problems come to us for answers, we won’t turn them away […]

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The Striving for Meaning and Purpose

April 10, 2012

Jesus points out to us that those who would strive for greatness, and along with it meaning and purpose, should look for ways that they can serve others by helping them become all that God would have them become.  Jesus points out that the Kingdom is really compared with becoming a child again in our […]

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March 4, 2012

Justice will be explored here in the days and weeks to come as we look at the issues at hand today and what a large difference you can make in living your life to help those who are living under intense situations where justice is controlled by those in power. Learn how Jesus came to […]

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