
Simplicity as found in Central America

August 1, 2015

From what I have seen in Central America, there are two primary reasons why people leave for the United States. It’s not because they seek a simple life up north.  These two reasons forces a question! Why do so many youth and adults place themselves in harm’s way in trying to get to the States […]

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Onde está a sua cidadania — Where is your citizenship — 시민권 ì–´ë”” –Waar is je burgerschap

July 25, 2015

After my morning devotional in the Book of Philippians today in chapter 3 I read in verse 20 that our citizenship is in heaven! “But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ” Minha bíblia diz português: “A nossa cidadania, porém, está nos céus, de onde […]

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So what is Truth

July 13, 2015

In Latin America one hears the expression “que mentira“ very often which means in English “that’s a lie“  We as a mission are called to bring truth to the people we serve in Central America.  Do people today really want truth and not lies?  Continue reading to find the answer!  We have another expression in […]

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June 10, 2015

Our work at SOR Mission calls us to work with some of the poorest in the communities where we minister. We attempt to share the love of God with those living with less resources and I find it interesting that so many of these people are wonderful examples of gratitude in spite of living under […]

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~What can we learn from 5 de Mayo? ~ Other than eating some delicious Mexican food today?

May 5, 2015

On May 5th 1862 the Mexican Army attacked an advancing French force in a town called Puebla, Mexico and even though they were greatly outnumbered and were taking on a well trained French Army of superior strength they were still able to win the battle. The year before, France, England and Spain had formed a […]

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Mango Season and Sticky Rice in Costa Rica & Honduras

May 2, 2015

I leaned the absolute joy of mangos and sticky (glutenous) rice while working in Thailand as a missionary some years ago. The mango season isn’t complete without enjoying a few desserts of “sticky rice” and coconut milk. Sticky rice is glutinous rice that once cooked becomes quite sticky and forms into a nice shape that […]

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Why do we call the day Jesus died Good Friday? ~ ¿Por qué llamamos el día que Jesús murió el Viernes Santo?

March 31, 2015

How can we call something good that commemorates a day of suffering and death for the Messiah of God Almighty – Jesus Christ?  This day, to us as Christians, is a very important day of the year as we celebrate what we believe is the most important week of all of our human history. The […]

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Mother and Child

March 27, 2015

She called me the day before yesterday in the early evening very nervous and stressed out asking for my help. She asked if I could take her and her daughter to the emergency ward at the hospital. She said to me “I don’t know what to do…my daughter doesn’t stop crying & I don’t have […]

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The Spring reveals New Life ~ La Primavera revela Nueva Vida ~

March 24, 2015

In the Northern Hemisphere during the months of March and April there is a major exodus of new life appearing in the gardens around us as well as in the buds of the deciduous trees that are above us.  Their new buds opening soon will provide a green canopy above us  which also speaks of […]

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How much is enough?

February 18, 2015

At SOR Mission we are concerned about helping connect the human need we see with God’s unlimited resources. One factor that we often come face to face with is the desire of many North American Christians who think that God’s blessing gives them the right to live an opulent lifestyle; even going as far as […]

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