
Would you eat monkey out of necessity?

November 3, 2014

                             Eating Monkey out of Necessity?  Would you? (11-3-2014) The boys along with their mother lived near San Ramon in the mountains and were often times hungry and even had to eat monkey to survive. Child Protective Services (CPS), through a neighbor, found out that their mother was practicing witchcraft and was constantly leaving the […]

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All Saints Day ~ El Día de Los Muertos

November 1, 2014

Manana vamos a celebrar el día acá que se llamo El día de los Muertos. Este día es especial en el calendario religioso y cultural en Costa Rica y el resto de Centroamerica. El día es celebrado en visitar el cementerio de los familiares que han fallecidos y allí comer algo, decorar el lugar y […]

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So what is Click for St. Nick

October 31, 2014

Click for Saint Nick is making a difference Greetings  from Central America where our Tropical  Christmas celebrations have begun early!  I saw decorations out in the  stores in September.  Yes, once again Christmas is upon us. We at SOR Mission are also again preparing for our annual “Click for St. Nick” program of placing 80 […]

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Mangos and the Tropics

October 27, 2014

Mango Season in the Tropics and other thoughts as “summer is in the air”.  The end of the mango season has passed in Honduras and Costa Rica and because of supply and demand the price rises this time of year for a delicious mango.  Now they are selling for about $1.25/pound but they are still […]

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Get ready, get set and Go!

October 25, 2014

As a young man,  I remember hearing stories from missionaries that gave me an interest in knowing other cultures and people.  My appetite was increased and God planned a “course of study” for me so that one day I would go as a missionary.  How about you?  Its been said that, I heard a missionary […]

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Click for St. Nick

October 15, 2014

Seeds of Righteousness Mission (SOR Mission) has initiated its 2014 Campaign for Click for St. Nick with a goal of reaching  80 families with a Christmas basket including food and kitchen utensils for families struggling with no employment, medical expenses or families that are simply outside the scope of any available assistance. The campaign will […]

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What makes my friend so special

October 8, 2014

Over the last couple of years of knowing Kevin, I have been so blessed to have met him and having the opportunity  to get to know his family, who they are, how they live and how they think. It has made me reconsider how I have thought about the poor and why they are so […]

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For our friends from Brazil and Portugal

September 30, 2014

Fizemos recentemente um estudo da Bíblia na casa de algumas pessoas interessadas em saber mais do evangelho de Jesus Cristo. É interessante ver como a palavra livre da dúvida e da pessoa vem gradualmente as perguntas de quem Jesus. Ele é Deus e quem ele é. Estamos estudando o livro de São João do Novo […]

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When you feel like giving up

September 18, 2014

In this life  many situations face us that can seemingly discourage and cause us to retreat from the calling that God has placed on our lives.  So it is that from time to time some of us get discouraged and want to give up, run away or just settle into a boring decaying lifestyle that […]

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Our steps are guided by the LORD

September 13, 2014

In returning recently to Costa Rica from Honduras I was amazed at a set of circumstances that God used to allow me to share a positive word  of encouragement and hope with a customs official at Juan Santamaria Airport in San Jose  as well as how earlier he had protected my steps when I stepped […]

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