
What motivates a missionary?

August 10, 2014

So where does my motivation come from to serve God in another part of the world away from my familiar culture, family and friends?  What does a missionary go to serve others, often times at great personal expense?  The Apostle Paul mentions to us that with him it was a matter of where his priorities […]

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What is the purpose of you being where you are?

July 11, 2014

This past week I have been praying and seeking God as to how I can help a certain group of people using the gifts God has given me to bring glory to his name.  This is what we do at SOR Mission.  Our purpose is to help connect human need with God’s divine resource.  His […]

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Have you ever wondered about God’s will

June 29, 2014

W hen we moved to Costa Rica, we had many doubts about how everything was going to work out and just what would we be doing after settling in here.  We knew that God had a plan for us and that God is truly amazing  in that when we are obedient, He is there ahead […]

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Sunday Morning Reflections

June 22, 2014

While the sunlight enters my window and the gentle breezes of early morning cheer the plants on the patio to dance and enjoy the moment, I too have been deep in thought about a certain person that we’ve met and have been encouraging. It started with a visit to a local hospital because this person […]

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He’s given us the ministry and words of reconcilliation

June 19, 2014

Recently, I had the joy of sharing with a man I met through my everyday activities as a missionary.  In the course of my discussion it came up that he had had problems in the family like many of us have had over the years and he hadn’t talked with certain family members for a […]

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Father’s Day 2014 – June 15, 2014

June 14, 2014

Father’s Day 2014 – June 15, 2014 Father’s Day is also celebrated on the same day in Canada, Costa Rica and Great Britain. In 1909 a Spokane, WA woman, Sonora Smart Dodd tried to establish an official equivalent to Mother’s Day for male parents. WA State celebrated the nation’s first statewide Father’s Day on July […]

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A Reason for a Fiesta

June 9, 2014

We are called to be a celebrating people,  a people who joyfully celebrate the grace and blessings of our Almighty God.  This past week we had the opportunity to celebrate the completion of the installation of a ceiling in dona Flor’s house. Our celebration included a cake along with some tacos that one of the […]

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Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks

May 29, 2014

Recently we’ve been able through SOR Mission to bless a number of people through safe and affordable housing, giving hope to replace despair and teaching many to believe God for the impossible.  It all comes down to what’s in our hearts. The Bible in Luke 6:45 states, “ A good man brings good things out of […]

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Volunteering is experiencing God’s heart

May 13, 2014

This past week we’ve had a group of volunteers working with us in Costa Rica.  Their excitement and enthusiasm has been contagious and we have certainly enjoyed working with them in various projects including street evangelism, update repair for a disabled single mother, teaching a group of immigrants the way of Jesus, teaching crafts to […]

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Blessed are the Peacemakers

May 9, 2014

Hurray, hurray, today is the 9th of May!  Thus can we expect that the gospel of Matthew shed some light on today.  He said that, “Blessed are the peacemakers,     for they will be called children of God.” Matthew 5:9 What can we learn from his admonition telling us to be peacemakers!  Did he mean that […]

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