
Cinco de Mayo – What is it?

May 4, 2014

On May 5th 1862 the Mexican Army attacked the advancing French forces in a town called Puebla, Mexico and even though they were outnumbered and were taking on a well trained French Army of superior training they were still able to win the battle.  The year before, France, England and Spain had formed a Tripartite […]

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Jesus in the Breadline

April 29, 2014

Did you see Jesus in the Breadline last night? Matthew’s gospel has a very well known chapter that has been discussed and talked about for many centuries.  Matthew 25 talks about Jesus saying to us his followers, “in as much as you did it for them you did it for me”.  This etching by Fritz […]

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Are You a Doubting Thomas

April 27, 2014

April 27, 2014 is called the Sunday of St. Thomas, one of Jesus’ 12 Apostles. Thomas was not present on Resurrection Sunday which we call Easter or Pascua in Latin America.  When Jesus manifested himself to the disciples in Jerusalem for the first time after his bodily resurrection Thomas was not present. Read here  John […]

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– Jose’s Story –

April 23, 2014

Our program of Justice at SOR Mission reaches out to children and those in need like Jose.  He’s barely two years old and already is facing radiation treatment for brain cancer at a local hospital in our host country.  His mother “Tania” takes such good care of little Jose but they have been totally challenged […]

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Resurrection Sunday and Why it Matters

April 20, 2014

Today we celebrated the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ as had been foretold by the ancient Hebrew Prophets of the Bible.  Jesus was on the road that led to Emmaus when he engaged two men who were talking about the days events.  They were surprised that he wasn’t aware of the days happening in Jerusalem, […]

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So What’s So Good about Friday?

April 18, 2014

Today, us Christians, i.e. those of us who identify as disciples of Jesus Christ acknowledge the day that he was crucified by the Romans at the bidding of the Jewish “Establishment” at that time in Jerusalem.  So why do we call it good if it was a day of so much suffering? It is quite […]

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So what does Maundy Thursday mean?

April 17, 2014

Today is known as Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday of Holy Week.  It’s the day before the sadness of the cross where Jesus was crucified and suffered for all of Humankind and three days before the joyous news of the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. The word for “Maundy” comes from the Latin word meaning […]

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Easter Approaches – Its meaning and purpose

April 15, 2014

Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014, is fast approaching and as it does we reflect on the meaning of purpose of Easter.  Have you ever thought that it is more than a day with family. As a young boy I remember looking for Easter eggs outdoors and wondering what I would do will all the coloured […]

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Families receive help thanks to your caring help

April 12, 2014

Most recently we were involved in ministry in Honduras with families that we have been involved with for some time.  The partnership of one of  our supporters has enabled us to be a blessing to this family. We were able to purchase a large box of daily food items for them to take home.  and […]

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Let’s help them discover the joy of life

April 9, 2014

We work with many disenfranchised people throughout Central America; those without a strong voice to cry out for help.  It always seems that those who suffer the most are the children of the disenfranchised.  Their quietness speaks volumes to us at SOR Mission and we are helping those that our finances permit us to help.   […]

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