Haitian Results from Seeds planted by SOR Mission

by SOR Mission on October 22, 2011

We are living in amazing times and this post will cause you to say, wow good going!!!

How fast we went from a short late summer this year to fall in the air.  It kind of reminds us of the admonition given to us by the Apostle Paul who said in Ephesians 5:15-17, “Live life, then, with a due sense of responsibility, not as people who do not know the meaning and purpose of life but as those who do. Make the best use of your time, despite all the difficulties of these days

Last year at about this time we hosted a dinner and auction to raise money to purchase property, drill a well and to build a 4 room school house with Starfish Ministries (SFM) in Morne Chaise, Haiti.  I am writing today to let you know how the project has progressed and the difficulties we have faced in building this project in Haiti.


SFM news director Daniel Thelusmond is shown in this picture with the school director Duvigno standing on the property that we purchased with the funds that you were able to donate at our dinner/auction that we held.   This property was only recently able to be purchased due to the difficulties of title and such in Haiti.  Title and legal ownership takes time to research and it never pays to hurry a project along in case a problem with ownership on the title appears.   Now however, it is in our hands to finish the project.  These men are dedicated to making this happen.  The future of Haiti is with its children and their education.


As I have shared on our website, www.sormission.org, we raised the needed funds for the building of this project.  Of the total amount approximately $975 went to purchase the above shown property. Once we had title to the property we began the drilling of the well which we had budgeted $2000 to drill.  After some difficulties after getting the well drilling head stuck in the well at 70’ the needed parts/tools have been sent  from here to fit inside the well casing where they can lift out the damaged drill bit and then once again resume with completing the well drilling.   Our budget for the well drilling will go over a bit due to this slowdown.  Any additional help is appreciated towards this completion.


The well drilling has acted as an attraction to the local community.  Once completed the residents of this area can come to obtain a clean and safe supply of water.   As the PEACE plan that our mission follows states, one important factor is to provide for the health and well being of the people being served.  In seeing the unsanitary conditions of the water in this area, this well will be a tremendous blessing to the community.  Thank you for your part in providing the funds for the drilling of this well along with the supplies to provide this as a source so that the community can come and have clean water for their families and children. They hope to be finished in November.  Thanks!


This picture shows the temporary school that was constructed for the children of this area.  The new facility that is being constructed will include five (5) classrooms for the children for their school.  Of these five rooms being constructed, one will be larger in size that will be utilized for Sunday services for the local church.  In addition, an office/storage room is being built towards the back of the building where this can be utilized for the distribution of food and clothing to the areas poorest of the poor.  The remainder of the funds raised have gone for the school construction.  Presently, as of last week, the building blocks are being mortared in one by one and now they are up to a good number of rows on the walls. This school will be completed by the end of next month.

In America, we have grown accustomed to living such an affluent life style that for some it’s difficult to imagine, how many in the Western Hemisphere actually live.  For example how the USA has been so blessed is reflected in the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) – per capita- in the following comparisons.  The USA GDP is $47,000 per person, Honduras is $4400 per person, and Nicaragua is $2900 per person while Haiti is $1300 per person. You can see why our help is so desperately needed in this region of the hemisphere.

In the picture to the left, Haitian contractor, David, is staking out the corner of the new school building with Glenn the SFM construction coordinator.  They were calculating the location of the new school building on this piece of property that was purchased for this building.  This school building will be completed by the end of next month.  Isn’t it exciting to realize that very soon where these men are standing will be a school building where laughter of the children will be heard.  The education of these students will affect their lives forever.


At Seeds of Righteousness Mission we have been involved in serving others in this poor part of the Hemisphere.  It has been a joy to be able to facilitate your desire to give and help this regions poor through your gifts.  As the Scriptures state, God is well pleased with these gifts of yours in helping those in need.


As God has been speaking to my wife and I, we are presently planning to return to missionary work in Central America and will be leaving later this year.  Our work will take us to Honduras where my wife Alexandra and I will work alongside Extended Hands Ministries, the Baron’s and SOR Mission.  Through Seeds Of Righteousness Mission we will fulfill the PEACE plan in helping the national church and those they care for with help as follows:

  • P – promote national reconciliation as Ambassadors of Christ
  • E – equip leaders to assume a servants heart by exhibiting that in ourselves
  • A – assist the poor in various ways such as feeding centers, counseling, education
  • C – care for the sick at local hospitals and involving nationals to do the same.
  • E – educate the next generation of youth to assume the leadership of the church


If in reading this update you would like to be further involved with this ministry by  helping  us through your specific prayers or in making a financial contribution to our work or to find out more about our Honduras ministry, please  go to our website where you can contact either Alex or I at our respective emails.   Your help and support  can be made by check to our above address or on line at our website – www.sormission.org.

Joyfully in Service to Others


Terry Mateo and Alexandra Mattson

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