For those of us living in countries that are not considered “third world” a day of rest is quite possible even though statistics are showing that many Americans are not using all their vacation days in deference to working more to ensure more economic gain or possibly they not having adequate disposable income to spend on a holiday away from work.
My life journey has taken me from living moderately because I could not afford many “toys” to now living simply as possible so as to free myself to be able to give to others with greater need than my own. I guess that’s why I ended up being a missionary.
This is the path that Jesus suggested to his followers. Live simply so others can simply survive. Life isn’t easy for many.
Summer greetings to you who live north of the equator and also the Tropic of Cancer. Today our thoughts go out to those we work with at SOR Mission. For those of you who are able to obtain the basics without much thought you don’t think twice about having enough to eat and a roof over your family’s.
Non issues can de be items like clean potable water, a place to your wash clothes other than a backyard stone to wash them on. Most of us don’t think twice about having enough to eat to maintain our own families. Most of us reading this don’t think twice about having to choose between buying a prescription drug for our health verses buying food for today. However, these are issues we face daily working with the poor of Central America. It’s what melts our butter so to speak!
“Whenever you possibly can, do good to those who need it. Never tell your neighbors to wait until tomorrow if you can help them now.” Proverbs 3:27-28
Many of you who follow SOR Mission’s outreach to those with minimum resources will be excited to know that we have started the project and have laid blocks so that the wood portion that will be started this weekend will not be exposed to the soil and to invading termites.
Yesica’s mother Maria earns what little she makes by selling tortillas out of her house and so without a home offered at no interest and costing only for the materials she will be able to have a new 400 square home.
Each of us needs to consider the importance of being generous and sharing what we ourselves take in through our work. Research has shown us that those with success with their finances are known to be generous. There are those who stuff their world’s riches in a mattress but live a miserable life. Jesus tells us in Matthew 16:26, that what good will it be for you & I to gain the whole world, yet forfeit our own soul and the reason God placed us here on Planet Earth? Only in discovering this can we truly live an abundant life. At SOR Mission we attempt to connect God’s resources with the human need that we see so evident in Central America
Thinking back to Christmases past, I remember it was my Uncle being Santa Claus at our home and we kids never really knowing it was he who was dropping off the presents at the front door. It was a time of celebration, gifts and wonderful food and desserts. I think we lost a bit of the true meaning of Christmas by the depth of our own Christmas celebration. It was really a secular family Christmas. I didn’t capture the deep and true meaning of Christmas until I became a Christian many years later.
Visiting a family of very limited resources yesterday in Honduras where I work as a missionary, I was once again overjoyed in being able to help them through SOR Mission’s 0% interest new home program. What a joy to meet this family and knowing that the generosity of people like you  – Giving -who support this mission is making Christmas possible for this very needy family.
Earlier in the week we left them a Click for St. Nick basket of a two week provision of food and some kitchen utensils. If you would care to help us with the purchase of some needed additional baskets you can click on donate now and scroll down to Click for St. Nick.
The Apostle John reminds us in his book written in the first century of what Christmas is truly about in telling us that “God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son so that whoever believes in him may not be lost, but have eternal life”John 3:16
Tomorrow, Monday, November 26, 2018 in the USA and in many other countries around the world it’s the day to fling aside all restraint to buy items that one might think that they need for themselves and others in order to save an incredible amount of money buying online.
Just a thought for those of you who are Christian by practice, might I be allowed to suggest that for each purchase you make on line tomorrow and this coming week, try to set aside a tithe (10%) of the purchase price or even a tithe of what you save to help a needy family this Christmas who has nothing without fault of their own.  You can read below about our Click for St. Nick Christmas baskets that we distribute each year at this time. Your donation of $40 will buy a basket of food that will feed a family for about 2 weeks. Please tithe and help. Go to donate and scroll down to Click for St. Nick to make a difference in the lives of a poor family this year.
Let’s Make Thanksgiving a time of giving and thankfulness
Thanksgiving in the USA is a time for many to enjoy family and time together around a table filled with many versions of a Thanksgiving Dinner. The first feast that took place in Plymouth in August of 1621 was attended by about 53 pilgrims and 90 Native Americans of the Wampanoag Nation and Squanto its most famous member.   They had a time of common prayer and a meal together of thanksgiving for Squanto and his fellow warriors in helping them to establish themselves on the North American continent.
Through the course of time in 1863 President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of “Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.†to be celebrated on Thursday November 26th of that year. President Roosevelt stuck with the second-to-last Thursday schedule as well that some states stuck with the last Thursday of the month schedule. In other words there were many dates that were being celebrated in the USA. Finally on Dec. 26, 1941, Congress passed a law making Thanksgiving the fourth Thursday of November
Since that time its evolved recently into a long 2 day holiday for many people that begins what US Americans call the “Holiday Seasonâ€. For many, the day after Thanksgiving now called “Black Friday“ has turned in to a buying frenzy for those looking for bargains on the first “official†day of the holiday season.
We take this time at Seeds of Righteousness Mission to thank our Creator God for the many blessings he’s bestowed on us this past year. We further remember to pray for those we minister to in Central America who would never be able to celebrate a day such as this because of their poverty.
People such as this haven’t been invited as such to the fiesta of what we call Thanksgiving, however this year you can help SOR Mission by purchasing one or several Christmas baskets for the needy of Honduras . Each basket costs us about $40 and you can purchase one or more by going to donate now and then scrolling down to Click for St. Nick.
Blessing to you on this American day of Thanksgiving!
In the west we often time confuse our “normal” lifestyles with those of other countries where access to capital and credit is somewhat to severely limited. In these countries they live a very difficult, but howbeit a simple life revolving around having enough capital to fulfill the needs of the family. We see this all the time in Honduras where nearly 50% are unemployed and living in or near poverty. What can I do we ask? I can’t fix their problems or solve the issues that led them or keep them in poverty or can I?
We in the west we need to rediscover the freedom that comes from simplicity. Denying materialism a place in our lives and homes where we easily justify it because we work so hard and of course we always need more and better things. Don’t we?
In helping those challenged by poverty we can rediscover the joy that comes by voluntarily living on less so that others can merely have an access to the bare minimum of this world’s capital so that they can access medical care and food at the same time if needed,
Your help is needed now with our Click for St. Nick Christmas campaign in giving out baskets of food to those in great need, be it widows, those sick, single moms, elderly with no income, etc; those trying to make it in this world but not being able to to because of the injustice we see operating in our world.
Please help us no matter where you live and what lifestyle you might live; however we do need your help now with the purchase of these baskets. Go to Donate now and scroll down to Click for St. Nick and there you can purchase as many $40 baskets that you can afford at this time.
Thanks because in love so little can do so much for another family like your own.
So have you as yet clicked for St. Nick? Have you wondered where in the world did that idea come from? Well to clarify both questions, the first one is for you do do your part on your mouse of which you may have a similar one. The second one is for me to clarify where did I pick up that expression.
So when you click your mouse usually your clicking on something that you want to save, purchase, cut and paste, etc and in this case we’re hoping that you will click your mouse for our Saint Nick Christmas basket program.
So what are we doing this year with our baskets of Christmas joy to those not looking forward to much this        Christmas? We’ll be packing them with food purchased wholesale in Honduras so as to maximize how much we can fit into the plastic bucket. It includes what we consider a basic food basket with items that won’t spoil overnight as such and will also include some kitchen utensils and a New Testament of the Bible so as to read to the family the Christmas story of Jesus being born in Bethlehem.
We will pray for the home and the family asking God to bless them and to help them in the coming year to break the cycle of poverty by finding work or recovering from a sickness. , In the case of the widows like 75 year old Mrs. Sofia shown here who without pension and help is eking out a living doing what she can and single mothers who are struggling so much, we pray that as God’s loving eyes are on the sparrows so also will they be on these people who God considers so important in the Kingdom. Please help us if you can. Go to Donate now and scroll down to Click for St. Nick and once there follow the prompts for making your online secure donation to help another family have a blessed Christmas. Each basket costs us about $40 each.