The Gecko and I – a story in real time from the tropics


Over the last few years we’ve had some gecko lizards passing through our home but unfortunately they never wanted to hang around for too long.  Maybe they felt my wife’s dislike of them seeing that she was born a city girl through and through.  However while living in Thailand some years ago and having so many geckos where I stayed up country I learned that they are considered good luck to have them in the house. They ate their weight in insects and their calls made the house a fun place to be listening to them call each other, “gek-ko, gek-ko”.  You kind of got used to it.

Please click on Central America above to read entire article.  You will laugh at the conclusion.

 Proverbs 30:28: The (Gecko) lizard you may grasp with the hands, Yet it is in kings’ palaces.

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SOR Mission continues to be a blessing to others needing a hand up in life.  SOR Mission statement of purpose puts it so clearly,  “Seeds of Righteousness Mission exists to help enable Love and Justice  to meet under the Banner of Service to help connect human need with God’s Resources”.

Recently SOR Mission hosted our beneficiaries for our quarterly meeting for those having received micro development loans as well as those who are living in one of the houses that SOR helped finance through a 0% loan.

This last meeting we discussed as a group how we can improve our household finances by being more careful with how the money is being spent.  The group was encouraged to help their children with an adequate education so as to be able to find adequate work when they finish their studies.

Our VP of the committee spoke to the group from personal experiences concerning how to maintain a watch over their household finances as well as the business that he and his wife own.

The joy of the afternoon was the cake that they had prepared for the director of SOR Mission who wasn’t able to be present in country for his most recent birthday.  Times like these are such a blessing to those of us working in this area.

What a joy it is to serve others and to be a blessing to those that we serve.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16

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Estas niñas me han mostrado un gran ejemplo de amor, inocencia y humildad. Esta semana pasada nos tocó ir al barrio a enseñar a los niños sobre la vida de Noé. Cuando llegamos pasamos a preguntar a la casa de estas hermosas niñas si iban a asistir. Una de ellas corrió a decirnos “Mamá nos está peinando y está alistando nuestra ropa para poder ir”. Estaba cayendo un aguacero terrible y había lodo por todo lado. ¿Quién iba a tomar tanto tiempo para prepararse y ponerse sus mejores ropas para ir a escuchar la historia de Noé?

Dios me habló y me enseñó que importante es estar siempre listos y usar nuestras mejores ropas cuando estamos en su presencia. ¿Y cuál es esa ropa que debemos usar en su presencia? La humildad, inocencia y transparencia delante de Él. Al vestirnos de éstas cualidades, estaremos listos para recibir todas esas bendiciones que él tiene preparadas para nosotros.

Creo que todos debemos aprender de estas niñas hermosas. Siempre listas y vestidas con sus mejores ropas para escuchar y aprender del Salvador.

                                           Pero Jesús dijo: “Dejen a los niños, y no les impidan que vengan a Mí, porque de los que son como éstos es el reino de los cielos.” Mateo 19:14

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The Simplicity of the Gospel of Jesus

by SOR Mission on August 20, 2017

Recently I have been thinking about the simplicity of the gospel and what God had in mind for all of us when he sent Jesus Christ to be the solution to a complicated and stressful life.  In developed countries such as the USA, Canada and the United Kingdom we have, I believe,  complicated Christianity to where we’ve lost some of its basic tenets of the faith.  I won’t add a list here but the two passages of Scripture below speak so clearly as to what God requires and expects of us.  It doesn’t get much simpler that this.

Defend the weak and the fatherless;
    uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.
          Rescue the weak and the needy;
    deliver them from the hand of the wicked. Psalms 82:3-4

At SOR Mission through our Mercy and Justice ministries  we seek to do just that: We attempt to defend the weak and those without provision from a wage earner; those in need and so susceptible and without a voice.  What a joy it is to serve others.  So when we get stressed out g that its quite simple because he’s told us what’s the right thing to do.

                                                                             The Lord God has told us

what is right
    and what he demands:
“See that justice is done,
let mercy be your first concern,
    and humbly obey your God.” Micah 6:8


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Let’s Clean up our Lives

by SOR Mission on June 16, 2017

Last week we were able to distribute 25 baskets to most of our beneficiaries to use as a means to reach out to a family in need with a basket of cleaning supplies.  We labeled it “Let’s clean up our lives” and inside the plastic bucket we included a New Testament of the Bible for the family to read about the life of Jesus. You can read the entirety of this posting at SOR Mission At Work/mercy. 

Proverbs 19:17 says, Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord,   and he will reward them for what they have done.”

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Triple joy for the expectant mother of triplets

by SOR Mission on June 16, 2017

The other day in the Maternity Ward at the hospital I met for the first time a mother who in a few weeks will give birth to triplets. This was the first time I had a chance to share with a woman expecting triplets.  In the past I have had opportunities to share with a few mothers expecting twins but never triplets.

She told me she did not attend any church nor had any religious connections  so therefore  the motivational message I gave her was to seek a connection with God for herself and her triplets that would be depending on her in a few years for spiritual guidance.  What I shared was profound and I certainly know that the Holy Spirit was by my side inspiring me to find the words I needed to say to her.  You can finish this story by scrolling down at SOR Mission At Work to Justice and there you’ll find the article.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

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Marcela and her children, live in the hills surrounding the capital city of Tegucigalpa, Honduras.  Many of these people, like Marcela, in past years came from the rural areas of the country looking for an opportunity to improve their lives.  Many came without work and have ended up being street sellers, such as Marcela, who sell their products door to door or to a group of people they’ve met who purchase from them.  Marcela has been faced with a serious expense over some time with the purchase of water from local water trucks selling water to these residents.  Read the UPDATE by scrolling down at SOR At Work/Mercy.

Matthew 19:21” Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”

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She Pondered their Eternity Destiny

by SOR Mission on April 27, 2017

Recently on one of my visits to the pediatric ward at the hospital I brought along with me a young ministry friend of mine named May who helped me with the ministry that day at the hospital.  In Pediatrics we shared with a young boy who had been hospitalized because of a knife wound that his mother said to us had been an accident.
We shared with Mel about God sending his Son Jesus Christ to save us.  When asked if he believed in Jesus he replied that he knew that there had to be a God but he didn’t know how to communicate with him.  During our sharing with her son Mel, his mother had remained rather silent and removed from what we had been sharing with Mel.  She pondered our comments and their eternal destiny.  You can read entire article by clicking above on SOR At Work/Justice.

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Short term missions

by SOR Mission on March 10, 2017

As I write this short introduction to the week ahead, there is a group of dedicated Christians flying from North America to Central America to join us for a week of ministry to and with the local church.  Much has been written about short term missions both positive and negative and I have seen the reasons for believing in each perspective as I have been a full-time missionary for many years as well as hosting or leading dozens of short term teams on mission trips.

I am a missionary today because I took two short term mission trips to Mexico to work with several missionaries from the church I was attending at that time.  This experience changed my life forever and thanks to Bill, my missionary friend, his example and ministry lives on in me to this very day.

That is the kind of experience we want to provide for the team coming this evening to our country.  We will have a great week and maybe you might make the journey one of these days.  Keep in touch and check out our Volunteer page before leaving our site.  We’ll post again soon.

Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples! Psalms 96:3



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“God is seldom early but never late”

by SOR Mission on March 5, 2017

                                                                       “God is seldom early but never late”


I am writing you to inform you that once again I find that God wasn’t early in providing the funds for the 60 chairs for the two churches but He wasn’t late neither.  Our faith grew and our awe and respect for our might Creator God has grown in showing us that those 60 chairs are important to Him.

Some years ago I was attempting to sell a house and I had to have the cash in 60 days from the day I listed it  to cancel a debt that was let’s say, essential that it had to be cancelled.  Days went by without an offer and any interest in the listing.  Then weeks went by……

Finally I had 5, yes 5 days and the house hadn’t had an offer yet but I didn’t give up faith in believing God would somehow provide.  That day an all cash offer came in and I stipulated to the RE agent that it had to close and for me to have cash in hand by the middle of the 5th day so I could pay off that required loan and debt.  If not, I wouldn’t go with his offer.

Would you believe, even though everyone who was aware said no way,  that I had the cash in hand by noon on the fifth day and I repaid the other loan in full.  That evening God spoke to me the above phrase and I soon made it mine, saying “I am seldom early but I’m never late”.  I realized that God was more interested in my spiritual growth and health rather than my comfort.  We serve an awesome God.  May God continue to light up your path on our journey called life.

Lamentations 3:25-26  The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him,  to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord


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