We’re needing a few more chairs!

by SOR Mission on March 2, 2017

We are still in need of a few more chairs to reach our goal of 60 chairs by the weekend.  We thank each of you who have generously given to help SOR Mission to purchase these needed chairs.  $15 buys one and for those of you living in North America and Euorpe  you can see that a couple of chairs would mean giving up so little and by doing so, it would mean so much.  You can go to donate now on this page and scroll down to where needed and make a donation for 1,2,3 or more.  Thanks.   Luke 6:38 says in part that with the same chair you help someone else to have, you’ll have the joy of relaxing,  and sitting on it as well.

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The Importance of One

by SOR Mission on February 25, 2017

The Bible  teaches  us about the importance of the individual.  Its basis being that we have all been created in the image of a loving  Creator God.  Being a creation designed by a Divine God,  this  gives us great worth.  Our societies increasingly though over the years  have tried to degrade us into merely an accident that occurred by acts of “nature” over millions and millions of years.

At the same time secular cultures teach us that our lives don’t have any great significance apart from what we ourselves might achieve.  This is shown today by the violence and lack of respect many show to each other. Please go to TODAY to read the entire article and to read further the importance that Jesus Christ places on the individual.  This is found is Luke chapter 15.  I welcome your feedback!

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He will deliver the needy who cry out

by SOR Mission on January 28, 2017

What a joy we have to be able to reach out, through those of you who support this mission, to help those in need through Bible studies to show them the way of peace, home construction for those unable to purchase a home of their own and/or others who qualify for a micro enterprise loan to help them towards financial stability.

All of these things as well as helping  students to stay in school with uniforms and materials is a rewarding endeavor.  In Psalms 72:12-13 we read:

For he will deliver the needy who cry out,
    the afflicted who have no one to help.
 He will take pity on the weak and the needy
    and save the needy from death.

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As Goes January so goes the Year

by SOR Mission on December 28, 2016

As we are soon to open the door to a new year, let’s think a bit about ending the old year still before us.   An open door can signify the beginning of the year ahead but let’s ponder for a moment how we did this past year and how we were able to help others-the real measure of God’s love manifested in our lives.  I invite you to spend some time in the Holy Scriptures reading in Psalms, Proverbs, John and Matthew to find God’s leading and direction for your life in 2017 and also to see and read of his great love for those in need.  We also have our list of year end needs as well for SOR Mission.  If you’d like, you can go to “Today” on the above menu bar and read our list of needs for the beginning of 2017.

How we finish the old year and start the new year in January often times sets the tone for the entire year ahead.  Looking ahead we forward to building more homes for needy families, giving more micro enterprise loans as well as reaching out to men, women and children with the love of Jesus Christ.  Join us this year for an exciting adventure with us in serving the Lord by serving others.

Jesus said in Revelation 3:20:  Look, I’m standing at the door and knocking. If anyone listens to my voice and opens the door, I’ll come in and we’ll eat together. What a great way to begin the year by opening the door of our life so that we’ll have fellowship with the Almighty Creator God ~Jesus Christ~ our Messiah and returning Savior.

We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God.  Colossians 1:9-10


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Click for Joy, Happiness and St. Nick

by SOR Mission on November 21, 2016

st-nick-5So many families were helped last year and with the connections we made with our families that work with us in this program, many received help and encouragement this past year as they attempted to overcome some of lives difficult situations.

Here in Tegucigalpa, we don’t have the help of social services and when there is a need they don’t have the traditional sources of help that one might have living in a country that has more resources.   These families never forget the help that they have received through your generous help and support.                                                                                                                                           st-nick-8

Please help us again this year with Click for St. Nick as we’ve raised 56% of what we need to date.  In the time between now and Christmas we need to raise the additional 44% of what we need.  This amounts to about $2300.

We thank God as we remember so well that “God is seldom early but never late!”  Hebrews 13:16 states, “And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.”

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Christmas begins in October for the Needy!

by SOR Mission on October 26, 2016

Joseph & Mary at ChristmasThis is our first posting for SOR Mission’s yearly Click for St. Nick campaign.  This year’s plan is to distribute 130 baskets to the needy of Honduras and Costa Rica.
This year’s campaign will once again focus on Hondurans and Costa Ricans who we work with through several churches in addition to those who are a part of SOR Mission’s program of affordable housing and Micro Enterprise.  These programs are both based on 0% interest loans for families and individuals without access to credit in Honduras.
Each of our families will visit a needy family such as a family where the wage earners are unemployed, a widow with no means of support or a single mother who struggles each month to try to keep her family together.   The families who visit these needy families live most times in the same barrio and are well aware of the physical needs within their own physical barrio.

This years baskets will cost us approximately $40USD per basket and will include food as well as kitchen and tableclick-for-st-nick-2015 utensils.  The food is purchased wholesale so as to afford us the opportunity to put as much food in each basket as possible.  Each visit will include sharing the Christmas story and offering prayer and hope to the family being visited.

If you desire to help you can click on donate now and scroll down to Click for St. Nick to make your donation to partner with us to help these 130 needy families this year.

Blessings to you.

“Giving help to the poor is like loaning money to the Lord. He will pay you back for your kindness.” Proverbs 19:17

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So what does it mean to know God?

by SOR Mission on September 7, 2016

Young Mother with childThis morning before once again beginning a day full of ministry and activity, I was reading in Jeremiah where in chapter 22  the verse 16  jumped out at me  and I had to share it with you as it sums up once again what we’re all about at SOR Mission.

The situation at the time of Jeremiah was similar to what we have today in comparing the abundance of North America with the needs of Central America where we minister.  Some are trying to make a difference but many are content to remain hidden in their present lifestyle.

He (put your name here)  defended the cause of the poor and needy,
      and so all went well.   Is that not what it means to know me?”
declares the Lord.

By serving and helping those we minister to we are helping them to know God as well; showing them his grace and compassion.  We minister through our Justice, Mercy and Construction ministries.   If you have an interest, you can read some of the stories of those we help in the pages of our website.  Thanks for your interest in what we’re doing for the Lord’s chosen ones……those in need.

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The Rich Man and don Jorge (aka Lazarus)

by SOR Mission on August 23, 2016

don Jorge pidiendoOn this morning’s walk I stopped to talk to don Jorge like I usually do for a few minutes.  Sometimes I put some “bread” in his cup as he’s almost always on the street leaning on his cane asking for help.  He’s a 92+ year old retired man who’s outlived his family so he doesn’t have much more than a small pension of maybe $110 dollars a month.  He says he gets by with the help of the passerby’s who drop coins in his cup.

Today, it was an interesting conversation because as I approached him he was talking to a well-dressed older man.  Upon approaching don Jorge the man left and smiled as he passed by.  I thought to myself, well at least this man must help out quite a bit as the two appeared to know each other well.  Read the entire story on this site above at http://www.sormission.org/sor-mission-at-work/justice/today/

I think you’ll read the story in its entirety as it happens so often around us even though it shouldn’t .  Thanks for the help you give SOR Mission so we can help others.  See this passage Luke 16:19-31 to read the Biblical account of a modern day Jorge and his rich friend.

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So What About St. Nick?

by SOR Mission on August 20, 2016

Young Mother with childThis past December 2015  Click for St. Nick was able, thanks to your partnership,  to distribute 130 baskets of Christmas joy and hope to those needing a hand up at that time of the year. We were able to help approximately 540 people, including adults and children with a basket of food, some kitchen utensils along with a New Testament of the Bible.

With Labour Day fast approaching, which is our traditional start to campaigning for those in need, we wanted to give a heads up to you our supporters that you can find various and creative ways to help a family in need.  There are so many ways that you could come up with $38 to buy one basket.

Let’s all  be creative this year as we look ahead with anticipation for a great Click for St. Nick Campaign.  You can donate online here under click for St. Nick or you can go to our contact us page above to find other ways to partner with us.

Proverbs 19:17 says that,Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord,
    and he will reward them for what they have done.”

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Faithful in little trusted in much

by SOR Mission on August 9, 2016

Noe & Mateo in Tire ShopI have found over the years in working with missions in Central America and other parts of the world that when one is faithful with the things of God, that person will be faithful with his fellow human beings.

No doubt, we have all met people and maybe even been lied to by people who profess a belief in “God” or “the church” but maybe have never met personally the risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  He’s the only one who can change our  lives, and he does it from within.  After hanging out and getting to know who Jesus was through the Bible, one will never be the same again.

Noé, is one such a person.  I have known him and observed his conduct in and outside of the church for nearly  5 years and have seen him faithful in all things. Like the Bible states in Luke chapter 16:10 that whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.  You can click here to read the full passage for its contextual meaning.   Go above to SOR At work or click here to read the entire story.

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