Working at the Orphanage

by SOR Mission on April 27, 2016

IMG_20160301_105612~2Sometimes I don’t feel very motivated in going to the orphanage because I know that these children can be hard to work with at times especially when I try to share stories with them.  They usually come from difficult backgrounds and for that reason are at the orphanage.  Once I’m there however, I forget that I didn’t have the excitement in coming.  Just seeing their beautiful faces and how happy they are when they run to us and greet us with a big hug melts my heart and makes me so glad I came.

You can read the rest of the story above by clicking on SOR Mission At Work/Justice.  Our ministry with children through Justice is such an important part of this ministry that I am involved in.  Through your prayers and financial support I am able to be the hands of Jesus in helping these beautiful children.  You can be a part of this by donating here or through other means that are made available to you on our “contact us” page above.   I am also looking for ladies to visit and work with me in this ministry to those hurting ones here in Costa Rica.   Micah 6:8 from the Bible really motivates me and it says,

                                            “The Lord has told you what is good.
                                              He has told you what he wants from you:
                                                Do what is right to other people.
                                                  Love being kind to others.
                                                 And live humbly, trusting your God.”

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¿Qué exige Dios de nosotros.

by SOR Mission on April 23, 2016

JusticeSe dice muy a menudo que somos parte del problema o parte de la solución. He escuchado esto mucho de mis amigos. Es tan fácil a veces de quedar atrapados en nuestra vida diaria hasta que nos olvidamos de nuestra responsabilidad de ayudar a los demás, además de ayudar a nuestra propia familia. El profeta Miqueas dijo que tan bien en pedir a Dios ¿qué era lo que él quiere de nosotros?
La respuesta de Dios a su pregunta se registró en Miqueas 6: 8 y dice “¡Ya se te ha declarado lo que es bueno! Ya se te ha dicho lo que de ti espera el SEÑOR: Practicar la justicia, amar la misericordia, y humillarte ante tu Dios.

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Is safe affordable housing a basic human right

by SOR Mission on April 22, 2016

Fuller Center PenitasTo those of us living in the northern hemisphere with access to credit, this might come across as quite socialistic Is this not a capitalistic idea worth pursuing?  However to those who live in Central America in the poorest countries of this area, housing becomes a large concern.

To us at SOR Mission, we believe that human beings, created in the image of a Divine Creator God, are given the right to access basic housing that will be affordable, safe, adequate and free from the fear of forced displacement.

IMG-20160412-WA0003Our mission, though small, continues to work tirelessly to help those we can to obtain this housing in addition, we also include sharing the gospel message that life takes on significant meaning when one places their faith and trust in a loving God.

We build simple affordable homes that service the family who we work with.  We attempt to use national labour to build these homes but if you should want to form a volunteer group to help, this can be arranged.

As written in the Psalm 127:1  “If the Lord doesn’t build the house, the builders are working for nothing.”

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Today is Juan Santamaria Day in Costa Rica

by SOR Mission on April 11, 2016

Juan Santa Maria statueJuan Santamaría (Aug. 29, 1831 – Apr. 11, 1856) was a Costa Rican soldier, also known as Nacho Gonzales, and is officially recognized as the national hero of this country. Today, April 11th is observed as Juan Santamaria Day, a national holiday in Costa Rica.  Santamaría was born in the city of Alajuela, Costa Rica.

When the U.S. filibuster William Walker from California, USA   overthrew the government of Nicaragua in 1856 he attempted to conquer the other nations in Central America, including Costa Rica and Honduras, in order to form a private slave-holding empire.

Costa Rican president Juan Rafael Mora Porras called upon the general population to take up arms and to march north to Nicaragua to fight against this gringo foreign invader. Santamaría, a poor laborer and the illegitimate son of a single mother joined the army as a drummer boy. The troops nicknamed him “the Porcupine” on account of his spiked hair.

It is truly placed deep in the hearts of humankind that we want to live free and this young man sacrificed his life for the freedom of his fellow Costa Ricans.  We need to see this loyalty in those who follow Jesus Christ.  Jesus said in John 14:6 that he was the way, truth and the life and then in John 8:32 Jesus said, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”

Read the rest of the story by going to Today on this website.

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House #8 had it beginnings during Holy Week

by SOR Mission on April 2, 2016

Mateo @ casa #8If one of you wanted to build a large building, you would sit down first and think of how much money it would take to build it. You would see if you had enough money to finish it.” Luke 14:28

Welcome to house #8 that we began during Holy Week in Honduras.  As the above verse points out, it would be rather foolish to begin a project without knowing the approximate cost and if you have the needed resources to build it.

So it was when we began house number 8 recently; however, thanks to the generous support of one of you, we began the house for this eighth family of SOR Mission’s “Viviendas de Justicia” (Homes of Righteousness) program for those with less available resources.  It was a joy to see the progress and excitement that the project has initiated in this church community.

We pray that we’ll be able to begin house #9  after finishing #8.  These houses are very simple compared to NorthCasa #8 American standards but 36 square meters will be home to a family in need.  Pray with us for the resources to start #9 and even #10 while we’re still in 2016.  Let’s dream together.  For your information, we need approximately $3500 per house to finish it.  The lot is provided by the church or family in need.  Often times it’s cut off of the family parcel wo that the kids may have a lot of 25′ x 45′ or about 1125 square meters.

In this picture to the left there is shown room for two more homes. This area is about a 15 minute drive from town so its a great location for a young family to begin their life in a new home.  Please pray for God’s provision in this project for the two remaining homes.

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Volunteer Opportunities Exist for each one

by SOR Mission on April 2, 2016

Volunteer Opportunities with SOR Mission (April 2, 2016)

IMG_5633SOR Mission is open to hosting individuals or teams to come and join the missionaries at Seeds of Righteousne3ss Mission (SOR Mission) for a short term mission experience  in Central America!  A team can comprise of you wanting to come down to experience missionary life in Costa Rica or it can include up to  2-3 couples or from 1-4 singles or more depending on arrangements that want to make a difference.  Work could be in Costa Rica, Nicaragua or Honduras depending on the type of mission work you and/or your team  would like to do.

This spring and summer plan your trip to the tropics for your summer get away to help us with the work God has called us to. Teams and/or singles can be used in the following areas:

  1.  Helping Alexandra with hospital ministry with children.  Dates are open for from now through Michelle, Kimberly with 15 yo girl's babythe end of September.  You can go through your local church or communicate directly with us at SOR Mission.    It would include bringing down baby clothes for newborns as well as clothes for children.  Your partnership would include visiting maternity and visiting young mothers with Alex as well as ministry at the local orphanage, giving your testimony to a women’s Biblestudy or teaching crafts to a group of women. You could also help the ministry by bring an extra suitcase filled with birthing blankets plus onesies and other  children’s items.  Every day would be a fresh challenge.  Your cost, not including airfare(variable)  and a 6 day stay at the mission house would cost approximately $350 for your stay with us.  This will include everything from pick up to drop off at the local San Jose, CR airport only a mile from the mission house. It’s also possible for you and/or a couple to take an extra week to visit this amazing country.
  2. Working with Mateo on a project at a local church in Costa Rica.  The work would include some Fuentes de Vida Churchremodeling at the church with some sheetrock, electrical, laying cement block, some light taping and mudding of the wall plus finishing a concrete wall of the church.  Several guys could accompany their wives who would work with Alexandra while the guys would work with Mateo on the church.  It would be a two-man-one week project and costs would be the same as point #1.  In addition material costs would run about $500.
  3. Work with Mateo in Honduras on construction in and around Tegucigalpa.  We. presently have Cesar & Yefry November 12, 2014projects in the works and have need of men with construction experience.    The timetable for this team is open but can be arranged with ample upfront time.  A team would normally consist of up to 4 people and would come for a 6-8 day period.  Costs would be about $400 for a week stay plus the team raising some construction funds to use on the project they would work on.  This would be an exciting opportunity for this team. Work would include, but not limited to laying cement block, mixing mortar, laying tile, light carpentry, pouring cement floor, etc.

Putting together a team to do a Fuller Center for housing build in Leon, Nicaragua.  This team Casa lower resolution pixelwould working with the Fuller Team from Leon, Nicaragua.  Your team leader would make the arrangements with Fuller Center.  Arrangements for a week’s build can be made once a team is formed.  There are openings all year but the hottest months of the year are mid  March through early May  so its best to come before or after that date.   Costs would include airfare, stay at the build site on the Pacific coast and money set aside for the construction project.  This would be a Habitat for Humanity type build.  If  you have been with me on other earlier trips with Habitat you will love this build.   There is a friend of the mission that will be hosting a team in Peñitas, Nicaragua during the later part of November 2016.  Email me for more details. 

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Doubting Thomas became India’s Apostle

by SOR Mission on April 1, 2016

Thomas putting finger in Jesus side by CaravaggioApril 6, 2016 is called the Sunday of St. Thomas, named after one of Jesus’  Apostles.  When Jesus manifested himself to the disciples in Jerusalem for the first time on Easter Sunday after his bodily resurrection Thomas was not present. Read here  John 20 about the resurrection and then go to our Today page to read the full story that was written about it.

Thomas had said to his fellow disciples that in order for him to believe that Jesus had indeed been resurrected from the dead, he needed to see the nail prints in Jesus’ hands and feet and to thrust his hand into the wound made by the Roman spear. He truly was a man who needed to be shown and convinced as to the reality of the bodily resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. The account goes on to say that after seeing Jesus scars, as the Italian painter Caravaggio depicted in his 1602 painting shown here, Thomas exclaimed, “My Lord and my God!”  Be taken to the full article by clicking here.

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Jesus after the resurrection

by SOR Mission on March 26, 2016

Cross PictureThis week we celebrate the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ as it had been foretold by the ancient Hebrew Prophets of the Bible.  Jesus was on the road to Emmaus after his resurrection when he engaged two men who were talking about the days events.  They were surprised that he wasn’t aware of the days’ happening in Jerusalem, a city at that time of about 40,000 inhabitants.  Jesus said to them, “How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?” And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.” Luke 24:25-27.  Read the full account of Jesus on the road to Emmaus here. 

In believing in his resurrection, we see Jesus as not merely a prophet or a great teacher but as God inThomas putting finger in Jesus side by Caravaggio person.  He said at various times that he was the great “I AM” As doubting Thomas said after putting his fingers into the wounds on Jesus’ hands and on Jesus’ side exclaimed, “My Lord and my God”   His death and the giving up of his spirit was voluntary, contrary to what is taught in Mormon theology where they say that life was taken from him as if he didn’t have control over his own death.  He voluntarily gave up his life for us.

This past week we supplied an Easter basket of food to some needy families in Honduras.  The basket Jose receives Easter basket from SORcontained the ingredients for making a traditional dish in Honduras called Dry Fish Soup and is actually quite delicious.  I hope to post the recipe soon.  We had our team visiting homes of needy families sharing the love of Jesus at this Easter time.  We used fish as the basis of our Easter basket because Jesus used fish to show them and us that he was not a spirit but rather his resurrected body  had bones and flesh.  Click here to read the following to see what he said.

I welcome you to put your trust in Jesus our Messiah, Jehovah God and the Creator of the Universe. This is the work of SOR Mission.

Happy Easter

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Click for St. Nick Christmas Results

by SOR Mission on February 22, 2016

IMG-20151208-WA0001This past Christmas  Click for St. Nick was able, thanks to your partnership,  to distribute 130 baskets of Christmas joy and hope to those needing a hand up at this time of the year. We were able to help approximately 540 people, including adults and children with a basket of food, some kitchen utensils along with a New Testament of the Bible.  In this picture to the left, one of our national brothers and his wife, packed these 100 basketsMother without much hope in Honduras for distribution.

We were able to share these baskets because of your generosity and partnership  in sharing with us so that we could share with those we work with in Central America.  Many of the baskets went to help single mothers who have been left on their own without any direct support to provide for their families.  Your partnership was a blessing.  Read entire article by clicking here for SOR Mission At Work/Click for St. Nick.

2 Corinthians 9:12 states, “For this service you perform not only meets the needs of God’s people, but also produces an outpouring of gratitude to God.” Read the context of the chapter by clicking here.

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The Power of God to change a person’s life

by SOR Mission on February 19, 2016

She told me that before getting pregnant she was addicted to drugs. Before being remitted to the hospital she was in a recovery place in Alajuela receiving therapy and training. “I know that the therapy was good for me, she said, but now I know that God is the only one that can really help me to have a different life. I’m stronger now because of him and I know that now I have a new life in Him and I know that my baby and I will be ok.”

The power of God to change lives is what Seeds of Righteousness Mission is all about.  Check out the full article on our Justice page on our page.    The Bible states that we can access this power to change our lives through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  This same power that was in him raising him from the dead can work in you to change your life as well.  This is what we believe at SOR Mission.

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