Seeds of Righteousness Mission Director, Mateo Mattson, sees a tremendous need and opportunity in the Central American nation of Honduras where high unemployment and high levels of poverty are causing a great social service need for the residents especially of the capital city of Tegucigalpa.
Mattson hopes to raise up further Nehemiah teams to help with various building projects in this nation. Included will be improving the current feeding centers being maintained by Extended Hands Ministries. Other projects will be building new centers along with safe water issues being reviewed and improved.  In addition to the physical work needed to be accomplished, there are other needs such as the local hospital where high numbers of women each day are giving birth. These women are being passed through the local Escuela Hospital where many of these young women giving birth are no more than children themselves. Alexandra, SOR’s Mission Director of Women’s Ministries states that the now is the time to fill this need with counselling and working with these young mothers. The mission has worked with a number of ladies and churches that have provided blankets and diapers for these newborn babies.
If you should choose to donate to this Mission’s work, please use the donate button on this page.
Joyfully in Service to Others,
Mateo Mattson