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So goes January so goes the year ~ Assim vai janeiro assim vai o ano ~ 그래서 1 월 있도록 해 간다 간다

January 23, 2015

“January sets the pace for the 2015 race”  Mateo T.M. Não deixamos de orar por vocês e de pedir que sejam cheios do pleno conhecimento da vontade de Deus, com toda a sabedoria e entendimento espiritual.  E isso para que vocês vivam de maneira digna do Senhor e em tudo possam agradá-lo, frutificando em toda […]

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Christmas Joy Shared means the most

December 9, 2014

At Christmas when I was a child I loved Christmas because of the family getting together and of course all those gifts that I would be receiving from mom and dad and all the uncles and aunts.  Today as an adult my Christmas is centered around how I can duplicate that joy in the lives […]

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Would you eat monkey out of necessity?

November 3, 2014

                             Eating Monkey out of Necessity?  Would you? (11-3-2014) The boys along with their mother lived near San Ramon in the mountains and were often times hungry and even had to eat monkey to survive. Child Protective Services (CPS), through a neighbor, found out that their mother was practicing witchcraft and was constantly leaving the […]

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October 11, 2014

Planting Seeds of Righteousness one seed at a time (10-11-14) Every Tuesday, Hilda, Hannah and I visit doña Rosa and her daughter Seneida to share with them a study of the Bible called, “Discovering God”. This extended family are immigrants from Nicaragua and have moved to Costa Rica to work and to search for a […]

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What makes my friend so special

October 8, 2014

Over the last couple of years of knowing Kevin, I have been so blessed to have met him and having the opportunity  to get to know his family, who they are, how they live and how they think. It has made me reconsider how I have thought about the poor and why they are so […]

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