central america

Happy Thanksgiving ~ Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias ~ Jour de l’action de grâce

November 24, 2015

Thanksgiving Day, or in Spanish “El Día de Acción de Gracias”, in the USA and in French Canada “Jour de l’action de grâce “is a time for many to enjoy family, friends, food and football. There are many versions of what is called a Thanksgiving Dinner due to the changing face of the North American […]

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I want to accept Jesus but…..

November 3, 2015

“Rosa” told one of SOR Mission’s workers last Tuesday when they were at  the Maternity Ward at the local hospital that she was very anxious because her baby was over due and wasn’t in the right position for delivery. After reading Philippians 4:6 to her about not being anxious Rosa asked for prayer.  She commented […]

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A Day in the Life

October 15, 2015

Do you have days that you feel that you’ve done nothing that may seem significant?  Missionaries too have days like that as our lives can become sometimes  quite routine and uneventful at times.  Our significance however consists of those little things that one does each day for those needing a hand up in life or […]

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Today is “kick off day” for the Click for St. Nick Program for 2015

October 9, 2015

Our goal is to reach 125 families  – 125 baskets – 1,2 or 3 at a time! This  month  we will kick off our campaign to raise money for the  Click for St. Nick Campaign in Central America.  We’ve been busy preparing for this moment as one begins to feel fall in the air and […]

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Back in the Saddle Again

October 5, 2015

Many years ago in the USA, their was a movie folk hero named Gene Autry who roamed the west in movies  on his horse Champion helping those being affected by injustice.  He rode a stunning horse and dressed in attire of a 1940’s folk hero.  Listen to his 1941 version of this song clicking here. […]

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Justice and Grace

August 28, 2015

Our work in the Central American nations of Nicaragua, Honduras and Costa Rica has been ongoing for a number of years. In this region of the world they is an absence of justice that it makes one sad to see the poor with no voice having to endure such unjust situations in their lives. We […]

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Simplicity as found in Central America

August 1, 2015

From what I have seen in Central America, there are two primary reasons why people leave for the United States. It’s not because they seek a simple life up north.  These two reasons forces a question! Why do so many youth and adults place themselves in harm’s way in trying to get to the States […]

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~What can we learn from 5 de Mayo? ~ Other than eating some delicious Mexican food today?

May 5, 2015

On May 5th 1862 the Mexican Army attacked an advancing French force in a town called Puebla, Mexico and even though they were greatly outnumbered and were taking on a well trained French Army of superior strength they were still able to win the battle. The year before, France, England and Spain had formed a […]

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Mango Season and Sticky Rice in Costa Rica & Honduras

May 2, 2015

I leaned the absolute joy of mangos and sticky (glutenous) rice while working in Thailand as a missionary some years ago. The mango season isn’t complete without enjoying a few desserts of “sticky rice” and coconut milk. Sticky rice is glutinous rice that once cooked becomes quite sticky and forms into a nice shape that […]

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Mother and Child

March 27, 2015

She called me the day before yesterday in the early evening very nervous and stressed out asking for my help. She asked if I could take her and her daughter to the emergency ward at the hospital. She said to me “I don’t know what to do…my daughter doesn’t stop crying & I don’t have […]

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