run and not grow weary

So goes January so goes the year ~ Assim vai janeiro assim vai o ano ~ 그래서 1 월 있도록 해 간다 간다

January 23, 2015

“January sets the pace for the 2015 race”  Mateo T.M. Não deixamos de orar por vocês e de pedir que sejam cheios do pleno conhecimento da vontade de Deus, com toda a sabedoria e entendimento espiritual.  E isso para que vocês vivam de maneira digna do Senhor e em tudo possam agradá-lo, frutificando em toda […]

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Feliz Ano Novo – Happy New Year – Feliz Año Nuevo – 새해 ë³µ 많이 받으세요

December 31, 2014

From around the World God has made us one and we together lift up our hands to thank Almighty God for the year past and the year to come.  We need His help!  Maranatha! Que este ano que vem 2015 é cheio das bênçãose da graça de Deus para você e sua família. Bênçãos de Missão […]

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So Why do so many new years resolutions fail

December 30, 2014

Welcome to 2015 and for some of us we’ll be attempting  to add or change a few priorities to our already overflowing list of things we want to accomplish as well as the improvements we want to make in our lives.  I commend each one of you for wanting to improve your quality and the […]

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Christmas Joy Shared means the most

December 9, 2014

At Christmas when I was a child I loved Christmas because of the family getting together and of course all those gifts that I would be receiving from mom and dad and all the uncles and aunts.  Today as an adult my Christmas is centered around how I can duplicate that joy in the lives […]

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Its Christmas time once again

December 6, 2014

The sounds of Christmas are all around us as we go from here to there.  Whether you’re in New York City, San Jose or Tegucigalpa the sounds of vintage Christmas songs sung by the likes of Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole as well as vintage songs like  Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer by Gene […]

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God’s Kingdom is made up of ones like this

November 22, 2014

Recently in a phone conversation with some friends of SOR Mission I was told that their son recently told them that he wanted to take some of his Christmas money and buy a basket of food for the poor for our Click for St. Nick program that we run each year.  As I was told […]

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Would you eat monkey out of necessity?

November 3, 2014

                             Eating Monkey out of Necessity?  Would you? (11-3-2014) The boys along with their mother lived near San Ramon in the mountains and were often times hungry and even had to eat monkey to survive. Child Protective Services (CPS), through a neighbor, found out that their mother was practicing witchcraft and was constantly leaving the […]

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Mangos and the Tropics

October 27, 2014

Mango Season in the Tropics and other thoughts as “summer is in the air”.  The end of the mango season has passed in Honduras and Costa Rica and because of supply and demand the price rises this time of year for a delicious mango.  Now they are selling for about $1.25/pound but they are still […]

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October 11, 2014

Planting Seeds of Righteousness one seed at a time (10-11-14) Every Tuesday, Hilda, Hannah and I visit doña Rosa and her daughter Seneida to share with them a study of the Bible called, “Discovering God”. This extended family are immigrants from Nicaragua and have moved to Costa Rica to work and to search for a […]

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When you feel like giving up

September 18, 2014

In this life  many situations face us that can seemingly discourage and cause us to retreat from the calling that God has placed on our lives.  So it is that from time to time some of us get discouraged and want to give up, run away or just settle into a boring decaying lifestyle that […]

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