seeds of justice

Justice and Grace

August 28, 2015

Our work in the Central American nations of Nicaragua, Honduras and Costa Rica has been ongoing for a number of years. In this region of the world they is an absence of justice that it makes one sad to see the poor with no voice having to endure such unjust situations in their lives. We […]

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The Peace Plan for Central America

August 26, 2015

The PEACE PLAN for Central America (revised 8-26-2015)   THE PEACE PLAN:  This plan is based on our strong belief that we are in the Central American nations of Costa Rica, Honduras and Nicaragua as missionaries to help the national churches work towards self-sufficiency in support and outreach. Many are currently doing that but there […]

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Simplicity as found in Central America

August 1, 2015

From what I have seen in Central America, there are two primary reasons why people leave for the United States. It’s not because they seek a simple life up north.  These two reasons forces a question! Why do so many youth and adults place themselves in harm’s way in trying to get to the States […]

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So what is Truth

July 13, 2015

In Latin America one hears the expression “que mentira“ very often which means in English “that’s a lie“  We as a mission are called to bring truth to the people we serve in Central America.  Do people today really want truth and not lies?  Continue reading to find the answer!  We have another expression in […]

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June 10, 2015

Our work at SOR Mission calls us to work with some of the poorest in the communities where we minister. We attempt to share the love of God with those living with less resources and I find it interesting that so many of these people are wonderful examples of gratitude in spite of living under […]

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Why do we call the day Jesus died Good Friday? ~ ¿Por qué llamamos el día que Jesús murió el Viernes Santo?

March 31, 2015

How can we call something good that commemorates a day of suffering and death for the Messiah of God Almighty – Jesus Christ?  This day, to us as Christians, is a very important day of the year as we celebrate what we believe is the most important week of all of our human history. The […]

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So Why do so many new years resolutions fail

December 30, 2014

Welcome to 2015 and for some of us we’ll be attempting  to add or change a few priorities to our already overflowing list of things we want to accomplish as well as the improvements we want to make in our lives.  I commend each one of you for wanting to improve your quality and the […]

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Christmas Joy Shared means the most

December 9, 2014

At Christmas when I was a child I loved Christmas because of the family getting together and of course all those gifts that I would be receiving from mom and dad and all the uncles and aunts.  Today as an adult my Christmas is centered around how I can duplicate that joy in the lives […]

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Its Christmas time once again

December 6, 2014

The sounds of Christmas are all around us as we go from here to there.  Whether you’re in New York City, San Jose or Tegucigalpa the sounds of vintage Christmas songs sung by the likes of Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole as well as vintage songs like  Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer by Gene […]

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Would you eat monkey out of necessity?

November 3, 2014

                             Eating Monkey out of Necessity?  Would you? (11-3-2014) The boys along with their mother lived near San Ramon in the mountains and were often times hungry and even had to eat monkey to survive. Child Protective Services (CPS), through a neighbor, found out that their mother was practicing witchcraft and was constantly leaving the […]

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