Seeds of Righteousness Mission

Our construction begins next week on Eva’s house

May 26, 2018

Millard Fuller, founder of Habitat for Humanity, once said that they didn’t give out handouts to families challenged by life’s struggles  but rather handup’s.  Over the years that stuck with me and that too is our “action statement” of what we do here at SOR Mission.  Combining that with our mission statement which is an […]

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Let your light shine before your friends

May 20, 2018

In reading the Scriptures I see where we’re called to humbly do our acts of helping others without fanfare and announcements about our acts of charity but at the same time we’re called to let our light shine to those around us like our friends and work associates so that they may see our good […]

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Once I wished upon a star. How I wonder where you are

December 11, 2017

Christmas 2017 Wish List(click here) Many of us have heard that song sung or have thought of this phrase from time to time.  You can click here to hear a 1940’s rendition of this well know melody.  Maybe as a child you  have wished upon a star for something that you wanted or needed.  Many […]

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Happy Poinsettia Greetings from the Tropics

December 7, 2017

We send beautiful Poinsettia Greetings from Central America where this  native plant flourished long before Christianity and Europeans came to the Western Hemisphere. One Indigenous group, the Aztecs, found it blooming in the tropical highlands of southern Mexico during the very short days of winter and named it “Cuetlaxochitl.” The indigenous peoples of the Isthmus […]

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It’s Christmas in Central America

November 10, 2017

Christmas in Central America is around the corner seeing we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving like you do in the United States and Canada. It’s a favorite time of year for me because I highly value the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ who came to this world so that everyone who believes in Him can have […]

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The Gecko and I: a story – in real time – from the tropics

October 28, 2017

The Gecko and I – a story in real time from the tropics   Over the last few years we’ve had some gecko lizards passing through our home but unfortunately they never wanted to hang around for too long.  Maybe they felt my wife’s dislike of them seeing that she was born a city girl […]

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No les impidan a los niños que vengan a Mi dijo Jesús

September 14, 2017

Estas niñas me han mostrado un gran ejemplo de amor, inocencia y humildad. Esta semana pasada nos tocó ir al barrio a enseñar a los niños sobre la vida de Noé. Cuando llegamos pasamos a preguntar a la casa de estas hermosas niñas si iban a asistir. Una de ellas corrió a decirnos “Mamá nos […]

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The Simplicity of the Gospel of Jesus

August 20, 2017

Recently I have been thinking about the simplicity of the gospel and what God had in mind for all of us when he sent Jesus Christ to be the solution to a complicated and stressful life.  In developed countries such as the USA, Canada and the United Kingdom we have, I believe,  complicated Christianity to […]

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Let’s Clean up our Lives

June 16, 2017

Last week we were able to distribute 25 baskets to most of our beneficiaries to use as a means to reach out to a family in need with a basket of cleaning supplies.  We labeled it “Let’s clean up our lives” and inside the plastic bucket we included a New Testament of the Bible for […]

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Triple joy for the expectant mother of triplets

June 16, 2017

The other day in the Maternity Ward at the hospital I met for the first time a mother who in a few weeks will give birth to triplets. This was the first time I had a chance to share with a woman expecting triplets.  In the past I have had opportunities to share with a […]

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