Seeds of Righteousness Mission

Faithful in little trusted in much

August 9, 2016

I have found over the years in working with missions in Central America and other parts of the world that when one is faithful with the things of God, that person will be faithful with his fellow human beings. No doubt, we have all met people and maybe even been lied to by people who […]

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How we helped a woman in great need.

August 9, 2016

I first met Manuela and her family about 8 month ago when she opened her home for us to start a Bible Study with 6 ladies who wanted to grow and learn more about the Bible. Manuela has 7 children and she had twin girls about a month ago with her second husband.  Manuela and […]

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What explains SOR Mission’s involvement in Central America.

August 9, 2016

The first step in understanding who we are begins with the word JUSTICE.  The team at Seeds works to plant  seeds of Justice (simply doing what’s right in God’s sight)  and Righteousness (simply doing good for those around us)  for those needing it.  The term righteousness is commonly translated justice in Spanish and thus our […]

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What can you do for Missions?

August 5, 2016

The theme “Missions” encompasses many things and has many varied facets.  Today there are a lot of people in the church who are focused on mission and what they should be doing to reach out to those who haven’t heard of about Jesus and the forgiveness, grace and loving acceptance that he offers those who […]

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We’re living in a crazy world. What can we do?

July 8, 2016

There has been so much going on in the entire world lately that it causes us to wonder where love has gone. We see hate all around and people not wanting anyone to be different than they. Is this Gods design? I believe that it’s not God’s plan and we at SOR Mission work daily […]

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The Art of Simplicity

July 3, 2016

For those living in Canada on Canada Day, July 1st and those in the USA on their Independence Day on July 4th I say let’s always remember the cost of freedom and what it means to each one of us.  Let’s never forget as we see violence and hate around the world trying to cover […]

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The difference a few minutes can make.

June 21, 2016

She said to me “I will never forget the day that I was admitted here and I was so very distressed because my baby had been born at just 34 weeks and was fighting for his life. I remember you came and sat next to my bed and read a scripture from the Bible that […]

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~ Father’s Day 2016 ~

June 18, 2016

Sunday, June 19th is Father’s Day in the USA but its also celebrated  in Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica and Great Britain. In Honduras it’s celebrated on March 19th which is also Saint Joseph’s Day. This day owes its beginning to a woman named Sonora Smart Dodd (Feb 18, 1882 – March 22, 1978), who in […]

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Building a brick house – one act of kindness at a time.

June 8, 2016

At SOR Mission we live our mission statement daily in helping others.  We have been called to help connect human need with God’s resources.  In this case today, God’s resource just might be that next cup of coffee and sweet that you might want to enjoy.  Doing an act of kindness,  like giving the proceeds […]

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Is safe affordable housing a basic human right

April 22, 2016

To those of us living in the northern hemisphere with access to credit, this might come across as quite socialistic Is this not a capitalistic idea worth pursuing?  However to those who live in Central America in the poorest countries of this area, housing becomes a large concern. To us at SOR Mission, we believe […]

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