by SOR Mission on December 25, 2011

Seeds of Righteousness Mission

702 Kentucky Street Suite 200

Bellingham, WA 98226


  Ministry Plans for Honduras & Central America

“Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass. ” I Thessalonians 5:24


Dear Supporter of Seeds Ministry!


Over the last two years God has been calling us to go back to Central America as missionaries.  Through an interesting process God called and confirmed to us that he wanted us to go to Honduras to minister alongside of Extended Hands Ministries with Chad and Trina Baron.  In Honduras over 45% of the people live in abstract poverty.  The deep love that I’ve exhibited locally through ministry these last few years is now being transferred to our work in Honduras.  I pray that you will have an interest in following us as we minister there.


Alexandra and I leave for Honduras on December 28th with ministry plans that call for us to teach and use the PEACE plan that we have used for some time in our ministry.  This peace plan will cover the full spectrum of cross cultural ministry in Honduras where the physical and spiritual needs are high and this plan will accomplish the goal of presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ in a way fully culturally understandable to the Honduran people.   The Lord spoke to us unmistakably, in that still small voice this past spring after a trip to Honduras,  saying that He has things for us to do in Honduras that are specific for us.  We are honoured to be able to serve our Lord in this capacity as teachers and disciplers of the Word in Honduras through our love in action.


THE PEACE PLAN:  This plan is based on our strong belief that we are in Honduras as missionaries to help the national church become totally self-sufficient and as a result our philosophy is to always look for ways to work ourselves out of a job.  The Peace plan is:


  1. 1.      PROMOTE RECONCILLIATION:  In working with and through existing national pastors of Honduran churches our ministry will be directed towards the promoting reconciliation and the peace that Jesus brings to the churches of Honduras.  Upon arriving, we will begin the mentoring of 4 national pastors who have asked for help with their ministries.  Our time together will include talking, visiting their services, exemplifying a life that’s reconciled to God  and to also hold them accountable for their own areas that they want help in such as counseling, prayer, family, systematic study of the Bible, etc. With me being bilingual and bicultural there will be no time lag in beginning this ministry.  By working with these pastors we will begin to give them a deeper vision of starting additional churches and the importance of reconciliation of their members with each other and with God.


  1. 2.      EQUIP SERVANT LEADERS:  We will need to exemplify the meaning of servant leadership as taught us by Jesus.  By spending quality time with the leaders, we will help them to mature in their faith so that they will be able to be examples of what God has called us to…servant leaders be examples to the community.  Equipping leaders is not an overnight process but a commitment to spend time with these people in helping them to see who they are in Christ and then helping them to recognize and use the gifts that God has given them.  I will begin with 6 men who have asked me to disciple them in the ways of God and to help them to preach and prepare themselves for more active ministry. This will lead to many more no doubt as we begin this process.  I will also be looking into the Timothy Leadership Training Institute where I hope to enroll in their level one training to help me to be able to better equip leaders.




  1. 3.      ASSISTING THE POOR: Assisting the poor will be an ongoing activity of Alexandra and I.  We will continue to assist the poor through building projects funded from both in-country and abroad.  The teams we will use will be comprised of volunteers from both Honduran churches as well as Christian volunteers such as you from our local churches who will come and will learn about helping the poor and the reasons surrounding the poverty of these Third World Nations.  Our involvement will help build and remodel feeding centers and churches wanting to begin an active ministry of helping the poor.  Alexandra’s ministry will include working with young expectant mothers and the various problems that childbirth can bring to these very poor young moms. You might consider coming for a week to help Alexandra with visiting and discipling these young women.    Alexandra will be able to teach and disciple other young girls who are in state institutions where the ministry has an open door to minister.  Lastly, both Alexandra and I will be educating and assisting the poor to improve their skills.  We will help some with micro finance projects so that they can become self sufficient through their own sweat and effort as well as Alexandra giving classes on nutrition and care of the home.



  1. 4.      CARING FOR THE SICK:  In a country where medical coverage is so limited, it will be a large challenge to help those who are sick and need help.  We will be agents of our Lord to assist these people, visiting the hospitals with nationals alongside us for training, helping where needed when help is unavailable.  Alexandra will be working with expectant mothers who are at the local inner city hospital in Tegucigalpa.  Those facing difficult deliveries will be singled out by Alexandra for special care.  She will include other ladies from local churches to accompany her during her hospital visits.



  1. 5.      EDUCATING THE ILLITERATE AND THE NEXT GENERATION OF LEADERS:  This area is so important for a person’s future progress.  We will be working with youth and young adults in the church and community to help them to better their educational skills for employment and literacy as well as being examples of the servant leader that Jesus was. Teaching a night class on English is an excellent outreach tool as well as an excellent way to educate those who need English to improve their employment and development.




We do need monthly support for this ministry but at the same time we believe that God will provide for our financial needs. The largest gift one can give us will be to remember us in prayer so that God can open the doors he desires opened in Honduras.  We know that God’s work in His time will never lack His resources.


Joyfully in Service to Others,


Mateo & Alexandra




To contact the Mattson’s you can do so as follows:

Seeds of Righteousness Mission (SOR Mission)

702 Kentucky Street

Suite #200

Bellingham, WA 98225

Email addresses: Terry “Mateo” Mattson

Alexandra Mattson

Tel office: 360.312.7329


Facebook: SOR Mission at Work.

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