Volunteer with SOR
Volunteer Opportunities Exist with SOR Mission- updated 8/10/20
SOR Mission and its outreach ministry to those in the United States as well to those who live in Central America continues to make an impact on those we serve. Through our office in the States you can now do a home mission trip to a people group whose needs are going unmet.
Our team is presently opening doors of ministry with Hispanics women and might be working traditional migrant work in the USA. You can apply to see if your skills and gifts can be used in reaching women and children with Alexandra in this home mission project.
Due to Covid 19 and the risks involved in travel and in-country logistics SOR Mission has cancelled any trips planned to Central America at this time.
Earlier Posts from July
So you’re thinking what can I do as a short-term mission volunteer in Central America? You’ve wanted to do something but busyness and other concerns have always kept you away from doing a short term mission project. Well as summer turns into fall in the northern hemisphere, it might be time now to start thinking and planning on doing a mission trip this late fall or winter.
So what can SOR (Seeds) offer to you in the area of a short term mission trip? Well, depending on your giftedness you can start out by bringing down 1 or 2 suitcases packed with needed items for Alexandra’s ministry at the local hospitals where you can accompany her into the maternity wards and into home bible studies where she leads locals in knowing more about Jesus. You can come prepared to share your testimony about what God is doing in you.
Now if you’re a person who likes more hands on type work, such as construction or remodeling a local church addition, then Seeds has plenty to do in this area as well. We presently have ongoing projects in Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Everyone who comes will be used and your time mixing with the locals will be a highlight of your time in Central America.
We also have openings for short-term mission teams or individuals to come to Costa Rica, Nicaragua or Honduras to minister with us this fall or winter. With temperatures where we’re located between 75-80, it might seem like a great opportunity.   We can use help in the areas of women’s and children’s ministries as we explained above as well as construction projects for those wanting more of a hands on experience such as helping the remodeling of a local church. Please consider how you can help the work that we’re involved with here then send us an email or give us a call.
Tony’s Mission Experience (10-25-2014)
This past week we had a volunteer join us for a short term mission to help us in Costa Rica with one of our projects. He came from the US as a willing worker to do whatever needed to be done. While here we discussed many aspects of mission life as well as life as a growing Christian. It was exciting to see how well he adjusted to a different culture, different foods – such as beans and rice for breakfast – and a different language. The project that we arranged for Tony was a major makeover of the primary bathroom for the church where we are attending. It was a basic room but seeing that everything was out of square it was a fun and challenging project for the both of us.
By the end of the project and also by the end of his time here he had mingled and gotten to know some of the people in the church. He applied a very important principle for learning that I heard some years ago….”learn a little and use it a lot” That principle helped Tony to learn a lot from those he was working with. Here is a picture of the bathroom as we saw it on the first day of his work here.
You might want to consider a short-term mission trip this late fall or winter to help us with the work we are undertaking in Costa Rica. We have several teams that we are hoping to put together for two very different projects. Give some thought to a Valentine’s Banquet or a team of 2-3 who with their carpentry skills can repair a kitchen at a local orphanage. Please leave a comment or go to the contact us now page for our email address to start a conversation on how you can get involved.
Your welcome at the SOR Mission House (9-19-14)
This fall, winter and spring you are welcome to arrange a group or you singly to come and spend a time with our missionaries in Costa Rica. It may be a time of personal growth for you or it may be an opportunity to put together a group to come down to minister to the needs that we deal with on a daily basis here. We have short and longer term opportunities available depending on your giftedness.
A time for personal growth and reflection and passing time discussing Biblical truths and where you are on your journey and how you can make a difference in the lives of others could also be a motive in coming down to spend time with us. Drop me an email to see what we can put together.
So how and where do you want to use your spiritual gifts? (6-19-14)
As you ponder where and how you would like to serve others, think about where God wants you to use and to
further perfect the gifts that he’s given you to bring glory and honour to his name. A time with SOR Mission in Costa Rica just might be the opportunity you need to help you to further develop your gifts. As the pictures show, there is ministry with children as well as ministry using manual gifts in the area of construction. So much awaits your visit.
Contact us to discuss and pray over how the Lord wants to use you to be a blessing to others. We can’t wait until later because today is the time to start making these important life decisions.
Volunteer Opportunities are Available (6-10-14)
This summer why not do a 1-2 month volunteer experience in Costa Rica with SOR Mission which is headquartered in Bellingham, WA. This volunteer opportunity includes working with a local government foster home for up to 15 children. Your duties would be to help care and nurture these children through helping them through the day with their studies, play time, meal time and other activities. Your day can include cleaning and helping in the kitchen as well. A female is sought for this position.
Transportation can be provided to the home each morning and a pick up in the afternoon as well. Duties would be for a 5 day week allowing the volunteer time to explore Costa Rica plus integrate with SOR missionaries in other areas of ministry on weekends.
This position is a non paid volunteer position for the selected person. A small 1 bedroom apartment is available for rent at the mission house. Other details can be discussed and agreed upon prior to your trip to Costa Rica.
To discuss this opportunity further go to our contact us page for details on how to email the mission or to call us directly in Costa Rica.
This Week’s Focus on Volunteering (5-30-2014)
So how would you like to spend a week or 10 days volunteering with SOR Mission in Costa Rica? As you read today consider the options that are available through our mission and the work that we do in Costa Rica and Central America. We presently have a short-term construction and women’s ministry project for 7 to 9 days planned for the month of October.
This project would be for 2-3 people laying tile in the church offices while anyone accompanying the tile layers would minister with Alexandra and Hannah with women in our community.  The project would entail working a basic work week of 30-35 hours plus time for local sightseeing as well as a day trip to a local tropical cloud forest that is a pristine paradise that could include a zip-line and/or walking nature trails in these beautiful surroundings. An alternate trip could be planned to the Pacific Coast if you’re interested. Please send me an email with your questions.  We look forward to your questions and comments. Dates would be sometime between October 17-31, 2014
A person is being sought to help at a local foster care home for an extended time of ministry. This would be from 1-3 months and would be working with children from infancy to children up to 4-5th grades. These 12-14 children need the sincere love of a female volunteer willing to spend a 5 day week with them. The weekends would be free to explore or tag the mission team where they are working and ministering. This mission opportunity could include language study as well to help us you raise your proficiency in Spanish. The mission has an apartment available for a reasonable monthly rent for the candidate who wants to come for a longer period. These children have been placed here by the state because of problems at home with the parents due to drugs, alcohol or merely a family so poor as to not being able to feed their children. This center operates largely on the donations of people such as you who want to help. Both projects have great merit. Give some serious thought to this along with a good dose of prayer and when you’re ready to talk to us send us your phone number with email or a PM on Facebook at our page SOR Mission At Work. The dates are flexible and we can work out a schedule that would work with yours.
Our Mission Team Calendar Looks Ahead: (Feel free to share with your church, friends, others)
October: Tile/Women’s Ministry Team: Helping tile two rooms in a local church and while here to share and get to know some amazing people. Time: 1 week last half of October 2-3 couples or 6 total with mixed team.
November: Team Nicaragua: For you ex Habitaters or those who love to rough it and with a construction bug. Help build and improve some homes near the city of Peñitas for the very poor. Time: 1 week during late November.
December: Team Christmas and helping Click for St. Nick: Help present children’s ministry to small needy churches and also to distribute small gifts to the children and food baskets to the poor. Time: 1 week. Between December 5-19, 2014
January: Open Skies: An opportunity to put together your team to come to minister. We’ll fit the project to your group’s gifts. Time: 1 week.
February: Valentine’s Brigade: 4 couples to help SOR Mission put on a Valentine Banquet for an outreach to the community. Time: 1 week. Dates: February 7-15, 2015
Open Dates: Experience Costa Rica: Come down and stay at our SOR Mission apartment and work with the team for an extended time in mission to see if this is your calling and giftedness. We can accommodate 1-2 singles or 1 couple for a week or 3-6 months.
Join a mission team to make a difference. (4-29-14)
We will begin posting our late summer, fall and winter opportunities for volunteer service as a part of a mission team that comes down to Costa Rica or Nicaragua to join us in the work. We will have opportunities for women’s ministries, construction teams, teaching of English on a longer term locally in Costa Rica or coming down to help us to work on our PEACE plan with rural pastors and helping to equip the saints. There’s a lot to do so drop a mail and let’s get started in the planning of what God is speaking to you about.
Volunteering with a mission team (2-10-2014)
This year we will be scheduling mission teams for ministry in Costa Rica. This will include various outreaches that can include construction, women’s ministry, teaching English, helping the missionaries in their daily routine or even doing mechanical work on pastor’s cars. These teams will work with and through local churches to help them to expand their ministries and to encourage the believers attending the church.
Lastly, SOR Mission is looking for someone with a working knowledge of website and social media to help us expand our ministry in this area. Please contact us for more information.
Our work continues in Honduras but in 2014 we will not schedule any teams to work there. This page will be updated as more details become available.
Mission Night with SOR Mission on Friday Evening August 23, 2013
If you have been thinking of doing a mission adventure to learn more about missions and what is it that we exactly do, please come out to our Mission Night on Honduras at North County Church in Lynden, WA August 23, 2013. If you would like to spend some extra time talking about missions you can come early to help us set up the room where we’ll be meeting. There two sessions – one at 5:00pm with power point and Q&A and the second one the same as the first at 7:00pm. You can send us an email or respond on our Facebook page at SOR Mission At Work. We look forward to answering your questions that you might have.
Volunteer Opportunities Available (6-3-2013) (Valid through 11-15-2013)
If you are seeking a volunteer opportunities for yourself and/or a mission team you might want to consider some opportunities for mission outreach for you and your group. Presently there are various opportunities to work with SOR Mission at various locations where we minister each week. If you are prayerfully considering a mission experience you can go to our contact us page to send us an email to inquire about a possible group connection with us. We attempt to limit our groups to a maximum of 4-5 people so as to provide them a maximum mission experience. The following opportunities exist at the present time:
1. A women’s group that can work at the Intercity Hospital with young mothers and babies as well as at the Pediatric and Cancer Centers for Children. This group would work in Tegucigalpa and would normally arrive on a Friday or Saturday of the week and leave the following Sunday. This would provide an 8 – 9 day ministry trip for you and your team.  All details can be discussed once an interest form is filled out and sent to our mission. This can be expanded in special cases for individuals and small teams to a two week mission experience if desired. Various dates are open to these groups. Opportunities exist with these teams to have time to hold, love and to change and take care of these infants while the good news of the gospel is presented to the young mothers.
2. A men’s group that can do some remodeling of an existing church structure. This team would act as mentors to local Hondurans who would do the majority of the work but planning and major structural and exterior work would be led and taught by the team to the Nationals. We would expect that the team could provide scholarship money for 2-4 workers for the time the team is in country. A fall date in October/ November or January/February is suggested. The mentoring process is so successful where team members have an opportunity to share with nationals of their love of the Lord and their trade experience in carpentry or other fields of work.
3. A team of believers to come to help us work on a church with some painting, tile work, touch up, etc. You would be working with Hondurans and you would be working alongside a national teaching them what you are doing. One could expect to have opportunity to share in a local service with others as well as giving your testimony at the worksite. Dates are open for this team but a dates in November or January will fit well into the schedule for this group.
4. A couples team or a mixed team to help with hosting a marriage seminar over the Valentine weekend in Tegucigalpa. Crafts, table decorations, testimonies, planning and involvement in teaching others to come alongside to help would be needed gifts to make the next St. Valentines Day a success for the marriages within the churches we work with. In this attached picture we are shown along with national pastors where we hosted a similar event in the country of Costa Rica. Those team members helping with this event spoke highly of their time of ministry there.
You can volunteer for a short term mission group (5-20-13)
If you are reading this as a Christian believer, I would ask you as to how you came to hear of the Good News of Jesus Christ? Was it through a parent, a sibling, another family member or maybe it was a friend who invited you to attend church with them? In the majority of cases we become followers of Jesus Christ because someone within our circle of contacts invited us to come and join them on this exciting adventure called “Faith”.  John tells us in his gospel that early in his ministry Jesus said to those he was talking with, “Come and see!” John 1:29. We need to live such a Christian life that people want to come and see just what it is that gives us such joy and passion in what we do. Does this speak to you at the present time? Jesus wants others to come and see just what it is that faith is doing to our lives. I challenge you to follow each day the Lord Jesus so that your faith will set the world on fire with passion as expressed by your personality.
If in reading this you replied by saying, “my faith, exciting?” I don’t think so! Then I might add that you might need to spend some time to revitalize your Christian experience by putting faith to the test in serving God in ways that will stretch you and cause you to feel a bit of pain as you begin to become a more committed disciple of Jesus Christ.
I encourage you to begin to study the scriptures beginning in John and pray that God will open doors and windows to let his light and love bring a new deeper sense of His presence into your “home”. If we can be of service in helping you to put a team together or maybe just you and a friend would like to come to Honduras to serve for a week or so.
We are here to encourage and to help you grow in your Christian Faith.
Today’s Thought on Missions (5-6-13)
In reviewing the efforts that our most recent team made while in Honduras I believe that Bruce, Dewey, Chris and Bill all returned to theirrespective homes a bit changed and awed as to how other people live, work and build in their Honduran community. Each team member added a significant part to the project as a whole and their willingness to teach, share and encourage while they were working to complete the task at hand provided for the Hondurans working with the team, well over a hundred twenty man/days, a great source of encouragement and teaching concerning how to build using cement block, steel and wood. It was a great team. Consider your calling and listen to the LORD as he calls you to service. Remember the goal of our faith is not to end up with the most toys in our community but to resemble Jesus in thought, deed and action. As the Apostle James said, “Show me what you’re doing with your life and I’ll show you the purity of the faith”. Translation mine of James 2:18
Have you thought about a short term mission trip? (4-27-13)
Each day as we think about our live and what is it that God wants us to do for the Kingdom, we need to think of exploring the possibility that God is calling us to a cross cultural mission ministry. It might be for a short term exposure to help us establish what God is speaking to us about for the future or it might be an extended stay of 3-4 months working with national missionaries who work with the national church. Whatever your thoughts, seek the Lord in prayer and talk with others about your interests in missions. You can also leave us an email expressing your interests. Simply do not let the din of abundance and ease dim your interest in helping others in this way.
Joyfully serving as a long term missionary,
Is Your Heart Desire to Serve Others through Missions? (2-20-13)
SOR Mission works in conjunction with “Short Term Mission” teams” (STM) and individuals to help the local national church to be better equipped to minister to the needs of the community and also to provide Justice and Mercy to people in need that we as a mission can help. These opportunities for STM teams can include such diverse ministries as working on a construction project with other volunteers, teaching children and young adults to improve reading skills, teaching English as a second language, working in the ministry of visiting the Intercity Hospital on the Maternity, Pediatric, Kidney or Orthopedic Wards or simply coming down to spend a week with us to hold babies, change them and to love them as only you can through the love of Christ.
Each of these areas are in need of self supporting individuals or teams who can come to Honduras to help in these various areas. The mission will encourage you to talk with your local pastor or leader about these possibilities and together we can coordinate a program that will best help you to minister within the spiritual gifts that God has given you. Your gifts and talents will direct you as to in what areas you’ll find the most satisfaction and where your work will be the greatest blessing to the recipients.
The first step would be to contact the mission with your ideas and interests. We will discuss further with you what you would like to do and other details. We will proceed from there.
We look forward to hosting you and /or your team of volunteers to be a blessing to those needing to be touched by the hands of Jesus.
Please leave your comments below, leaving the best way for us to contact you and we will make every effort to get in touch with you. Thanks!