I’ve been asked from time to time as to why a person would want to go on a “mission trip” to another culture or country. No doubt there are many reasons why they would want to go on a short term mission trip. They might want to go to have a chance to help needy people, an opportunity to see how other Christians live, or even a chance to share the Gospel with people not acquainted with its teachings. For the most part, the majority of the people returning from a short term mission experience share that they came away from this experience enriched as to cultural and Biblical insights as well as a greater  understanding of the world mission movement.
Being in a culture different from yours enables you to come away from this experience with fresh insights as to how others define their Christian faith. As a missionary myself, my ministry is not to share with them an American or Canadian interpretation of the Bible but rather to help them see how they can further develop within their Christian community a distinct Christian Culture that is defined by the Bible, modeled after Jesus’ own teachings, rather than on the “Secular Culture†of the culture the church is within.
The current mission team working with us in Tegucigalpa is learning great insights into the culture as they work hand in hand with national construction workers as they both learn from each other the ways of construction from two different and distinct cultures.
The work the present team is doing is of a noble cause. One that is helping the local church to increase their seating capacity so that other
people of this community will be able to come, sit and listen to the gospel being preached and taught. Also they are expanding the size of the area for the children’s feeding Centre where local children are helped on a daily basis.  Our team wants to give others the same opportunity that they had before becoming Christians. Each man on the team is worthy of our respect and a big thanks for willing to serve in this capacity.
You can also check out our volunteer page on our website as well as the picture page. Lastly should you want to financially help this ministry you can go to the donate now area to make a secure online donation.
Joyfully Submitted,